
zhuǎn yùn huò wù
  • Transshipment cargo;transshipment goods
  1. 海关转运货物报关单海洋运输货物险(水险)

    Goods declaration for customs transit TIF Marine risk ( Insurance )

  2. 从世界各地转运货物&卢森堡为跨国公司提供专业物流技术

    Transporting Goods from All over the World

  3. 货物灭失或损坏的通知转运货物通知书(纺织品)(货物运离香港)

    Notice of loss or damage to the goods Transshipment Notification ( Textiles ) ( Outbound )

  4. 海关转运货物报关单

    Goods declaration for customs transit TIF

  5. 转运货物豁免签证方案

    Transshipment Cargo Exemption Scheme

  6. 该系统采用电子预申报方式,通过自动对碰、自动放行,完成国际转运货物的海关申报。

    The system realizes e-declaration services on international transshipment cargo including electronic pre-declaration , auto-comparison , auto-releases and etc.

  7. 特别地,我们考虑了货运市场中的物流服务提供商之间的价格协调,以及建立了合作关系的物流服务提供商之间转运货物的折扣提供。

    In particular , we consider price coordination in the cargo market and discount offers on transferred shipments among the aligned partners .

  8. 转机旅客的行李在中转站被自动转运。货物在转运中破损。

    All interline baggage is transferred automatically . The goods were damaged in transit .

  9. 同时,马帮通行各地,不仅转运各类货物,而且为落后的边远山区和边境地区送去了商品和市场观念。云南马帮与滇泰贸易

    And the ideas of commerce and market were spread to the remote and backward areas of Yunnan . On the Relationship between Yunnan Caravan and Yunnan-Thailand Trade

  10. 公司还可以提供内陆快运服务,可抵达芝加哥、孟菲斯、亚特兰大和夏洛特市,利用码头铁路转运减少货物在西海岸的短驳运费,帮助客户节省时间和费用。

    The carrier also will offer express inland service to Chicago , Memphis , Atlanta and Charlotte using on-dock rail connections to avoid drayage fees on the West Coast , saving customers time and expense .

  11. 由于转运会增添货物遭损的危险,在某种水平上也会耽搁货物的抵达时间,所以我方偏向直运。

    We prefer direct sailings , as transshipment adds to the risk of damage and also delays arrival to some extent .

  12. 海关认为必要时,可以查验过境、转运和通运货物。

    Where deemed necessary , the Customs may examine such goods .

  13. “过境、转运和通运货物”,是指由境外启运、通过中国境内继续运往境外的货物。

    The term " transit , transshipment and through goods " means goods which come from a place outside the territory and pass through the territory en route to a place outside the territory .