
  1. 动态分析:转按揭投资者的擦边球?

    Dynamic analysis : to mortgage investors touch ball ?

  2. 转按揭计算器-我应该怎样做抵押融资?

    Mortgage refinance calculator-should I do a mortgage refinance ?

  3. 什么是转按揭是一个明智的选择,你呢?

    What is a refinance mortgage and is it a wise choice for you ?

  4. 但他们得不到转按揭的机会,

    but aren 't allowed to refinance ;

  5. 我的住房计划已经帮助200多万人转按揭住房抵押贷了,

    My housing plan has already helped more than two million people refinance their mortgages ,

  6. 一转按揭贷款可以帮助你得到现金的资产在您的家。

    A refinance mortgage loan can help you get cash for the equity in your home .

  7. 你要你转按揭?

    Should you refinance your mortgage ?

  8. 假如做了转按揭,还可以再用公积金在购买房子吗?

    If was done , turn mortgage , OK still is reoccupy accumulation fund buying a house ?

  9. 经过两、三年的时间付款,那么你可以为常规转按揭利率。

    After two or three years of on time payments , you can then refinance for conventional mortgage rates .

  10. 奥巴马上个星期推出的计划鼓励陷入困境的房主办理利率比原来贷款更低的转按揭项目。

    Unveiled last week , the Obama plan encourages struggling homeowners to refinance their mortgages at a lower interest rate .

  11. 合格的美国借款人,仍难以可负担且可预期的利率办理转按揭,以及获取新的抵押贷款。

    Qualified US borrowers continue to experience difficulties in refinancing and obtaining new mortgages at affordable and predictable interest rates .

  12. 由于美国的抵押贷款极少对提前还贷处以罚金,因而如果固定利率下降,大多数信用良好、抵押资产净值仍为正值的借款人就可以办理转按揭。

    Since few US mortgages have prepayment penalties , if fixed rates come down , the creditworthy majority of borrowers with equity remaining could refinance .

  13. 但我们还需要帮助大量家庭保住房子,或者让他们可以利用历史性的低利率转按揭贷款。

    But we still need to help a lot more families stay in their homes , or refinance to take advantage of historically low rates .

  14. 然而,在我们采取了你的问题,这是中肯明白什么是转按揭,以及它是如何去你受益。

    However , before we take up your question , it is pertinent to understand what is refinance mortgage and how it is going to benefit you .

  15. 我已经呼吁国会给每一名负责任的房主转按揭的机会,它是关乎每年节省3000美元的关键。

    I 've called on Congress to give every responsible homeowner the chance to refinance , and with it , the opportunity to save $ 3000 a year .

  16. 国会应该通过一项法律,让每一位有责任心的房主有机会利用难得的低利率重新转按揭贷款,这样每年可节约近3000元。

    Congress should pass a law giving every responsible homeowner the chance to save about $ 3000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low interest rates .

  17. 美联储希望大规模购买抵押贷款相关证券的做法,将推低抵押贷款利率,让美国家庭能够以更低的利率转按揭,同时缓解受到重创的住房市场的压力。

    It hopes the massive purchases of mortgage-related securities will lower mortgage rates , allowing households to refinance at lower rates , and easing pressure on the battered housing market .

  18. 若按揭房产后剩余按揭债务分割不当,银行作为债权人拒绝转按揭,则法院判决将难以执行。

    If the mortgage real estate mortgage debt remaining after the split properly , the banks refused to transfer the mortgage as a creditor , the court will be difficult to implement .

  19. 所以,我在今年2月向国会提交了一份计划,让每一个负责任的房主有机会在历史新低的利率下进行转按揭,每年都可以节省3000美元。

    So , back in February , I sent Congress a plan to give every responsible homeowner the chance to save about $ 3000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low rates .

  20. 抵押贷款经纪人的佣金,是来自为寻求修缮住房的职业夫妇提供各种明智的选择,还是劝说一对老年夫妇办理他们负担不起的转按揭贷款?

    Did the mortgage broker make his fees by offering a variety of sensible options to the professional couple who were looking to upgrade their house , or did he do so by urging an elderly couple to refinance into a mortgage they could not afford ?