
  • 网络remortgage
  1. 例如,如果一个房主要他再融资抵押贷款,必须有人愿意贷款他的钱。

    For example , if a homeowner wants to refinance his mortgage , there must be someone willing to loan him the money .

  2. 欺骗性贷款一旦出现,只能通过更多的欺诈行为,如编造合约声明和保证条款把这一借款转售给次级市场。然后借方再推出抵押贷款证券和衍生产品,而为这些产品进行担保的正是欺骗性借款。

    Once it starts out a fraudulent loan , it can only be sold to the secondary market through more frauds , lying about the reps and warrantees , and then those people are going to produce mortgage-backed securities and exotic derivatives which are also going to be supposedly backed by those fraudulent loans .

  3. 因为他们不用再为房屋抵押贷款资不抵债忧心忡忡。

    because they 're no longer underwater on their mortgages .