
zài dǐ yā
  • remortgage;rehypothecate
  • remortgage;rehypothecation
  1. 罗宾决定再抵押房产付清债务。

    Robin decided to remortgage his house to pay off his debts .

  2. 在此部分,首先通过分析《物权法》等法律的规定,得出立法和理论层面上肯定重复抵押和再抵押的认识。

    This part affirms the repeated mortgage and remortgage in the legislation and theoretical level by analysis of the provisions of the Property Law and other laws .

  3. 其次,正如IMF论文所显示的那样,这种再抵押行为可能猖獗到严重影响系统内部杠杆总量的程度。

    Second , as the IMF paper shows , this rehypothecation activity can be so frenetic it can significantly affect the overall volume of leverage in the system .

  4. 毕竟,这种再抵押行为大多仍相当隐秘。

    After all , much of this rehypothecation activity remains rather mysterious .

  5. 建屋互助会将收费100英镑安排再抵押。

    The building society will arrange a remortgage for a fee of # 100 .

  6. 在做成本的再抵押之前一定要慎重考虑好这样做的利弊。

    Carefully consider the pros and cons of refinancing your home before taking this cost-cutting step .

  7. 更重要的是,银行常常会重复利用、或“再抵押”这些抵押品。

    More important still , banks often churn , or " rehypothecate " , that collateral .

  8. 他们借入大量资金购买房屋,然后进行再抵押去购买其它东西。

    They borrowed too much money to buy houses , then remortgaged to buy other things .

  9. 因为,尽管再抵押问题或许听上去晦涩难懂,但它是金融体系的核心所在。

    For while the issue of rehypothecation might sound arcane , it is central to the financial system .

  10. 尽管斯特里克兰家财力有限,且随着领养程序的进行愈加捉襟见肘,但为完成这次领养他们拼尽了全力,他们将房产再抵押、卖鸡肉芝士意大利面、卖T恤……

    In spite of limited financial means , stretched further by repeated adoptions , they remortgage homes , sell chicken cheesy spaghetti , T-shirts - anything to make the adoption happen .

  11. 例如,通过再抵押的方式,额外筹集1万或5万英镑用于支付学费、购买新车,或者用于维修,已经成为一种很平常的事情。

    Remortgaging has become commonplace as a means to get hold of an extra 10,000 or 50,000 to pay for school fees , or a new car or repairs , for example .

  12. 在2007年之前,监管机构对这种情况通常毫不在意。即使是现在,再抵押问题仍然容易被投资者和政策制定者所忽视,部分原因在于这些行为大多秘而不宣。

    Now , until 2007 regulators tended to pay remarkably little attention to this , and even now the issue of rehypothecation is apt to be ignored by investors and policymakers , partly because most of this activity is very opaque .

  13. 例如,如果一个房主要他再融资抵押贷款,必须有人愿意贷款他的钱。

    For example , if a homeowner wants to refinance his mortgage , there must be someone willing to loan him the money .

  14. 欺骗性贷款一旦出现,只能通过更多的欺诈行为,如编造合约声明和保证条款把这一借款转售给次级市场。然后借方再推出抵押贷款证券和衍生产品,而为这些产品进行担保的正是欺骗性借款。

    Once it starts out a fraudulent loan , it can only be sold to the secondary market through more frauds , lying about the reps and warrantees , and then those people are going to produce mortgage-backed securities and exotic derivatives which are also going to be supposedly backed by those fraudulent loans .

  15. 因为他们不用再为房屋抵押贷款资不抵债忧心忡忡。

    because they 're no longer underwater on their mortgages .

  16. 再融资会降低抵押利率。

    Refinancing will lower a mortgage interest rate .

  17. 更为重要的是抵押品可以在多大程度上再利用或“再抵押”。

    More important is the extent to which collateral can be reused or " rehypothecated " .