
  • 网络Reinsurance Contract;Re-insurance contracts
  1. 通过对模型的分析,表明在这三个模型中都可以达成均衡结果,即在这几种条件下再保险合同是都可以达成的。

    By analyzing , the models show that they can reach equilibrium and the reinsurance contracts can be successfully made under these situations .

  2. 一家保险公司承保某一项风险,然后通过与其他保险公司签订再保险合同的形式转移其中部分风险。

    A company will insure a risk and then pass on some of the exposure by taking out reinsurance contracts with other companies .

  3. 在性质上,再保险合同具有责任保险的性质。

    And the reinsurance contract has the character of liability insurance .

  4. (三)与再保险合同相关的收入能够可靠地计量。

    The economic benefits related to the reinsurance contract can be measured reliably .

  5. 再保险合同适用原则研究

    A Study on Adaptability Principle of Re-insurance Contract

  6. 再保险合同是责任保险合同吗?

    Is reinsurance contract an liability insurance contract ?

  7. 论再保险合同

    Discussion on the reinsurance contract

  8. 再保险合同一方面离不开原保险合同,另一方面则是独立于原保险合同的。

    The reinsurance contract is either not independent on the original insurance independent of the origin insurance contract .

  9. 再保险合同为原保险人与再保险人以分担危险为共同目的之合伙合同。

    Reinsurance contract is original underwriter and reinsurance person the partnership contract that with partaking danger is common goal .

  10. 论再保险合同之法理构造&以我国保险法第二次修改为背景

    The Jurisprudential Construction of the Reinsurance Contract & on the Background of the Second Amendment of the Insurance Law in China

  11. 再保险合同是指保险人以其所承保的危险向他保险人保险的保险合同。

    The reinsurance contract is the insurance contract through which the risks born by the insurer can be insured by other insures .

  12. 再保险合同以危险承保责任之转移为核心,属于一种特殊之契约责任保险。

    The reinsurance contract , focusing on the transfer of risk underwriting liability , is a specific agreement of the liability insurance .

  13. 风险和效用往往作为衡量再保险合同优劣的标准,本文主要以风险为衡量标准。

    Generally , risk and utility are the standards to measure the reinsurance functions . Here , we consider mostly the risk standards .

  14. 财务再保险合同的性质认定是保险监管问题的第一步,也是最重要的一步。

    The cognizance of character is not only the first step but also the most important step in the supervision on financial reinsurance .

  15. 对再保险合同自法律视角进行了分析探索,以期对再保险合同理论探讨贡献一二。

    The article also makes some analyses of the reinsurance contract from the legal perspective with a view to making a little contribution to the theory of reinsurance contract .

  16. 并且,在方差作为风险测量的情形下,给出了最优再保险合同的具体形式,以及最优再保险函数参数的确定方法。

    Furthermore , it gives the example that the explicit forms of optimal contract under the variance risk measures , the existence and the method of how to decide the parameters are also given .

  17. 易言之,再保险合同之当事人,就危险之分担、利益之获得而言,有其共同之目的,如此结合,无异合伙。

    Of Yi yan , the Party of reinsurance contract , dangerous partake , the acquisition of the interest , have its common goal , be united in wedlock so , partnership of as good as .

  18. 再保险合同是相对于原保险合同的一种保险合同分类,本文立足再保险合同的性质界定,并予以简要评说,结合再保险合同与原保险合同的关系,论述了再保险合同的独立性特点。

    The reinsurance contract , named in contrast with the original insurance contract , is a classification of the insurance contract . Based on the identity of the reinsurance contract , the article makes some comments on the independent nature with consideration of its relationship with the original insurance contract .

  19. 托收手续费;(保险经纪人)代收赔款手续费再保险接受人应当根据相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定分保费收入金额。

    The reinsurance acceptor shall , according to the provisions of the relevant reinsurance contracts , calculate and determine the amount of reinsurance premium income .

  20. 经济理论上的最优再保险就是在不同的优化准则下,寻找最优再保险合同。

    The reinsurance is to find optimal contact under the different criterion in the economical theorem .

  21. 比例再保险是原保险人与再保险人,即分出人与分入人之间订立再保险合同,按照保险金额,约定比例,分担责任。

    Scale reinsurance is original underwriter and reinsurance person , divide a person and cent to enter namely conclude between the person reinsurance contract , according to insurance amount , make an appointment with certainty ratio , partake responsibility .

  22. 再保险法律制度中研究了环境侵权责任保险再保险的概念和功能,环境侵权责任保险再保险组织,环境侵权责任保险再保险合同。

    In the reinsurance system , the author mainly focuses on the concept and function , the reinsurance organization and the reinsurance contract of reinsurance system of environmental tort liability .