
  • 网络reindustrialization;Reindustrialisation
  1. 介绍了美国再工业化战略的背景及政策取向。

    Introducing the background of the " reindustrialization " strategy and policy orientation .

  2. 通过分析说明美国再工业化有可能成为新增长周期动力并且重新切割缝版图。

    The analysis shows that the " reindustrialization " may become a new growth cycle power and re-cutting the seam territory . 3 .

  3. 文章第三部分描述了危机后美国对再工业化的探索。

    The third part describes the exploration of re-industrialization post-crisis .

  4. 其中大力发展职业教育成为再工业化计划中的重要组成部分。

    Vigorously developing vocational education industry becomes an important part of the re-industrialization plan .

  5. 振兴东北老工业基地的实质是一个再工业化的过程。

    The essential of revival of old industrial base in northeast China is a process of re-industrialization .

  6. 为振兴美国经济,美国提出了再工业化战略,以期重新取得竞争优势,重振本土工业。

    In order to cheer up the US economy , the government put forward the strategy of re-industrialization .

  7. 无论是工业化或再工业化,装备制造业尤其是先进装备制造业的发展,显得更为重要。

    The development of the equipment manufacturing industry , especially the advanced , plays an important role in the industrialization or re-industrialization .

  8. 如今后金融危机时代,欧美等发达国家启动了再工业化战略来摆脱经济泥潭。

    After the era of financial crisis , Europe , the United States and other developed countries start " re-industrialization " strategy to get out of economic quagmire .

  9. 通过对再工业化进行定义和衡量,说明美国最近几个月确实存在再工业化倾向,但是效果并不是很明显,美国近几个月来的失衡状况并没有得到明显改善。

    By define and measure re-industrialization , indicating the existence of the trend of re-industrialization in recent months , but the effect is not evident , and the imbalance has not been improved significantly .

  10. 同时2007年次贷危机引发的全球金融危机使欧美发达经济体意识到实体经济的重要性,美国、德国等国家提出了再工业化战略,尤其是在高端制造业上,并提出了具体的优惠措施。

    Simultaneously the whole world financial crisis caused the developed economy to realize the importance of the entity economy . United States and Germany put forward the " industrialization " strategy , particularly in high-end manufacturing , and offer concrete concessions .

  11. 发达国家相继提出了一系列推动再工业化政策措施,这些政策措施起到了积极的效果,并逐步开始对全球经济格局、国际产业转移、国际贸易和国际产业分工产生一定的影响。

    The developed countries have put forward a series of policies and measures to promote the reindustrialization strategy , these policies and measures had a positive effect , and gradually began to influence global economic pattern , international industrial transfer , international trade and international industrial division .

  12. 从理论角度分析备选添加剂对精炼渣黏度等方面的影响,优选出合适的添加剂,再进行工业化实验最终确定合适的添加剂。

    Then we can sure the fittest flux through the theoretical analysis the effect of flux on viscosity and industrialize experimentation .

  13. 软件自动生成是人类软件开发由手工作坊到半自动化,再到工业化的历程发展的必然趋势。

    Software automatically creating is trend of human software exploitation developed from the manual work to the half automation , then developed into industrialization .

  14. 缓解我国就业压力的重要途径&再谈农村工业化

    A new way of relaxing our country 's employment burden & Retalking rural area 's industrialization

  15. 然而在现今社会,由于社会结构的改变,经济发展的不平衡,再加上工业化和都市化的演进,家庭形态已由四世同堂向小家庭形态转化。

    But nowadays , Traditional family form has changed into nuclear family with the change of society structure and the imbalance of economy development , along with the evolve of industrialization together with the urbanization .