
  • 网络Pharmaceutical Industry;Drug Industry
  1. 制药工业研究公司DecisionResources预测说,如果新药成功的话,抗凝血药市场将从去年的三十亿美元翻一番增加到2016的七十四亿美元。

    Drug industry research firm Decision Resources predicts that , if successful , the new drugs could double the size of the anti-coagulant market from $ 3 billion last year to $ 7.4 billion in2016 .

  2. 阐述了新型药用辅料PVP的概况及其在制药工业中的应用。

    The article is about the new type medicinal stuff PVP and it 's using in the pharmaceutical industry .

  3. 制药工业废水中COD(Cr)与BOD5的相关性及应用研究

    Research of Application and correlation between COD_Cr and BOD_5 in the palatial industrial effluent

  4. 探索PTH分子结构与功能间的关系,有助于制药工业的发展,为临床治疗提供借鉴。

    Studying the structure-function relationship will bring about a great advance in pharmacy production and guide the clinical treatment .

  5. 环戊烯(CPE)是一种重要的有机化工原料,在制药工业、有机合成、合成橡胶及精细化工等领域都得到广泛的应用。

    As an important raw material of the organic chemical , cyclopentene is widely used in pharmaceutical industry , organic synthesis and synthetic rubber and other fields .

  6. 近十年来,药物诱发QT间期延长已超过肝损伤,成为导致药品撤市的主要原因和制药工业必须面对的首要安全问题。

    In the last decade , it has become the number one safety issue in the development of pharmaceuticals , superseding liver injury in being the primary cause of drug withdrawals .

  7. 结论该方法快速、灵敏,可用于制药工业中维生素B2和B6含量的检测。

    Conclusion This is a rapid and sensitive method for determination of vitamin B2 or B6 content . Thus it might be used in pharmaceutical industry .

  8. 在目前制药工业生产过程中,均采用树脂提取头孢菌素C。提取阶段的工艺通常为树脂吸附、解吸,然后用异丙醇辅以碱液再生来达到活化树脂的目的。

    In the process of industrial production of Cephalosporin C , at present , the resin has been widely used to extract Cephalosporin C. The procedure of the extraction usually is resin-adsorption and resin-desorption , and the resin can be regenerated by isopropanol together with the base to achieve activation .

  9. 头孢菌素中间体是头孢类抗生素制药工业废水中最有代表性的特征污染物之一,是影响废水COD最终达标排放的重要因素,因此十分有必要对头孢菌素中间体废水进行处理。

    Cephalosporin intermediate is one of the most representative characteristic pollutants in the wastewater of cephalosporin antibiotics pharmaceutical industry . It is also one of the major factors of influencing the effluent chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) to meet the discharge standard .

  10. 制药工业每年产生的NCEs的数量对公司保持发展的能力致关重要。

    The number of NCEs created by the pharmaceutical industry each year is critical to the ability of companies to maintain growth .

  11. Teva制药工业有限公司股份有限公司,公司Mylan华生药品和其他非专利药制定者也出售药品在化学名称托吡酯治疗。

    Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd , Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc , Mylan Inc and other generic drug makers also sell the drug under its chemical name topiramate .

  12. 尽管通常制药工业只在决定NCEs产生的数量时,只对小有机分子中(传统药物)计数,NCEs也可以包括基因或基因片段,蛋白或多肽,或者小分子。

    NCEs may include genes or gene fragments , proteins or peptides , or small molecules , although typically the pharmaceutical industry has counted only small organic molecules ( classical drugs ) in their determination of the number of NCEs generated .

  13. 最近,你们的药物公司受到了日本DaiichySankyo公司收购Ranbaxy的巨大冲击,您对此的看法是什么呢?这能说明现在印度的制药工业所处的状态吗?

    Recently , there was a big shake-up among drug companies there when the Japanese firm Daiichy Sankyo bought out Ranbaxy . What is your view on that deal and does it say anything about the state of the pharmaceutical industry in India ?

  14. 蔗糖酯及其在制药工业中的应用

    Sucrose esters of fatty acids and their applications to pharmaceutical industry

  15. 制药工业青霉素发酵过程微机控制的研究和设计

    Microcomputer Control Study and Design of Penicillin Sweat in Pharmaceutical Industry

  16. 我国中药制药工业中亟需推广的高新技术

    Propagation of High - New Technologies-The Urgent Need of Chinese Pharmaceutical-Industry

  17. 4.医疗器械、制药工业;

    ( d ) Medical apparatus and instruments and pharmaceutical industries ;

  18. 臭氧灭菌技术在现代制药工业中的应用

    The application of ozone sterilization technology in modern pharmacy industry

  19. 制药工业清洁生产实践研究

    The Empirical Study about the Cleaner Production of Pharmacy Industry

  20. 关于药用植物及其他问题-制药工业的专家组会

    Expert group meeting on medicinal Plants and other issues - pharmaceutical industry

  21. 2050年制药工业状况预测

    The Forecast of China 's Industry of Pharmacy in 2050

  22. 酶催化工艺用于制药工业的研究进展

    Recent Advances in Enzyme Catalyzed Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry

  23. 关于制药工业生产废水特点分析及其处理方式的选择

    Analysis of Character of Pharmaceutical Wastewater and Choice of Its treatment Method

  24. 粉末直接压片工艺:制药工业整体发展的助推剂

    Direct compression technique : a promoter of pharmaceutical industrial development

  25. 手性芳香醇在制药工业有重要的应用。

    Chiral aromatic alcohols have important applications on pharmaceutical industry .

  26. 现代生物技术制药工业发展概况

    The development and production of biotechnology in pharmaceutical industry

  27. 环氧苯乙烷是重要的有机中间体,主要用于香料、制药工业。

    Is an important organic intermediate in the industry of perfume and medicine .

  28. 绿色化学技术在制药工业中的应用

    The Applications of Green Chemistry Technology In Pharmaceutical Industry

  29. 不过,大多数新药都是由制药工业制造的。

    Most new drugs , though , are created by the pharmaceutical industry .

  30. 生物制药工业企业战略联盟研究

    Study on Strategic Alliance of Biological - Pharmacy Enterprise