
zhì zào shānɡ biāo
  • manufacturing mark
  1. 法国汽车制造商标致雪铁龙集团(psapeugeotcitron)昨天宣布了一系列高管人事调整,并将首次向中国派驻一名执行董事会级别的高管。

    PSA Peugeot Citro n announced a shake-up yesterday of its senior management that will see the French carmaker base an executive board-level official in China for the first time .

  2. 放眼未来,欧艺将继续秉承“珍爱每一个商标”的宗旨,以“用生产钻戒的精神来制造商标”的专业态度,竭诚为广大客户服务。

    Ouyi values and produces every trademark like jewelers do on their jewelries in order to provide excellent services for all customers worldwide .

  3. 或者,有些就直接将原商标换上标明西欧制造的商标。

    Or some simply replace the original label with one stating it was made in Western Europe .

  4. 台湾没有把销售非法制造的商标标识的行为犯罪化,是立法上的缺漏;

    It is a loophole in the legislation that sale of representations of trademarks produced illegally is not criminalized in Taiwan .

  5. 伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造、擅自制造的注册商标标识的;

    Forging , manufacturing without authorization the marks of a registered trademark of others , or selling the marks of a registered trademark forged or manufactured without authorization ;

  6. 为了取悦消费者所喜欢“意大利制造”的商标,一些豪华品牌现在就雇佣非法的中国劳工在意大利制作产品。

    To please customers looking for the " Made in Italy " label , several luxury companies now have their goods made in Italy by illegal Chinese laborers .

  7. 请邮件给我们,如果你能制造我们自己的商标或品牌的商品。

    Please mail us only if you can manufacture the goods on our own trademark or brand .

  8. 江苏快乐电源有限公司,专业从事铅酸蓄电池的研究和制造,产品注册商标佳友牌。

    Jiangsu Merry Power Supply Co. , Ltd , is specialized in lead storage battery making branded " Jiayou " .

  9. 在产品合格证明书上必须标明制造厂名称或商标、产品型号、规格、重量、制造日期、批次及检验员印鉴。

    The product compliance certificate must include the manufacturer or trademark , product model , specification , weight , manufacturing date , batch number and the inspector seal .

  10. 非法制造、销售非法制造的注册商标标识罪若干问题研究

    The Research on Illegally Manufacturing , Sale of Illicit Manufacture of a Number of Crimes Registered Trademarks