
zhèng shāng biāo
  • original trademark
正商标[zhèng shāng biāo]
  1. 设计联合商标制度的初衷是为了更好地保护正商标。

    The original intention of designing union trademark system is for protecting the trademark well .

  2. 据彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)报道,这家电动汽车公司的首席执行官在中国正面临商标纠纷,而中国是他非常希望打入的海外市场之一。

    The CEO of the electric car company is facing a trademark dispute in China , one of the foreign markets he was hoping to break into , according to Bloomberg News .

  3. 正因为商标蕴含着巨大价值,些基于不正当目的的抢注者企图通过商标抢注行为来牟取巨额利益。

    Because of the huge value contained in trademark , some people basing on improper purpose attempt to reap huge profits through the cybersquatting .

  4. 中国企业在海外市场上正成为中国商标侵权行为的受害者。相对于外国企业在中国经常遭遇的知识产权问题,这一动态令人意外。

    Chinese companies are falling victim to Chinese trademark pirates in foreign markets , in a surprise twist to the intellectual property problems frequently suffered by foreign companies in China .

  5. 据近藤麻理惠(MarieKondo)讲,愉悦是向上的力量。她的名字现在成了一个动词,她的昵称正被注册成商标,她的生活方式变成了一种哲学。

    Joy points upward , according to Marie Kondo , whose name is now a verb and whose nickname is being trademarked and whose life has become a philosophy .

  6. 富士通表示:(公司)知晓苹果宣布推出iPad的消息以及它可能对我公司商标构成的侵犯我们目前正与我们的商标律师讨论可选方案,暂不做进一步评论。

    Fujitsu said : [ The company ] is aware of Apple 's iPad announcement and the possible infringement on our trademark ... We are currently discussing our options with our trademark counsel and have no further comment at this time .