
  • 网络Formal Communication
  1. 按公司组织机构图形成正式沟通的渠道。

    Formal communication channel as shown in the organization chart .

  2. 结构因素有决策主体,权利分配,命令链,正式沟通渠道;

    Structural compact consists of decision body , power allocation , chain of command , formal communication channel ;

  3. 这种相互沟通就是行政沟通。行政沟通有正式沟通和非正式沟通之分。

    This mutual intercourse is an administrative intercourse , which can be divided into formal intercourse and informal intercourse .

  4. 此情况不需要编号,因为附带的正式沟通的编号已经足够。

    In this case no numbering is required , the numbering of the attached official communication is deemed to be sufficient .

  5. 高校图书馆内部人与人之间主要通过非正式沟通的方式进行信息和情感的交流,尤其是在正式沟通渠道不畅通的情况下,非正式沟通的比重将会更大。

    The unofficial communication is the main channel in academic libraries , and the unofficial communication will inevitably increase , especially when the official channel is blocked .

  6. 利用系统动力学理论和方法,对企业研发团队的文件资料分享行为、正式沟通知识共享行为、非正式沟通知识共享行为这三种知识共享行为的发生和影响机理进行了分析。

    The occurrence and impact mechanisms of sharing behavior of documents sharing , knowledge sharing of formal communication and knowledge sharing of informal communication are analyzed by using system dynamics .

  7. 其中的正式沟通、非正式沟通、创新环境和创新文化是其关键所在,然后提出了产业集群的技术创新优势的评价系统。

    Communicating formally among them , communicating unofficially , innovative environment and culture are its key points . Then I do a more systematic appraisal in technological innovation advantage of industrial cluster ;

  8. 此外,所有首席执行官只要进行正式沟通必然很枯燥,因此,只要他们试着向员工宣布所谓的要紧事,就准保让大家兴致索然。

    Add to this the fact that all CEOs default to boring in all formal communication , and you guarantee that any attempt to tell employees about supposedly important things will leave them cold .

  9. 在进行沟通网络设计时应综合考虑组织结构特点,遵循沟通目的明确、准确全面、渠道通畅、强化正式沟通、正确利用和引导非正式沟通等原则。

    Considering the character of hospital organization , we should design the communication network with the following rules : clear goal , nicety , smooth channel , strengthening official communication , using informal communication .

  10. 从那以后,绑架者没有和外界有正式的沟通。

    Since then , there has been no official communication with the kidnappers .

  11. 作为一种正式的沟通方式,项目手册包含了相当丰富的项目信息。

    As a formal way of communication , project handbook abounds with a large amount of project information .

  12. 在正式信息沟通阶段,影响大学生就业信息沟通效果的因素分别是:在大学生求职者的求职材料中是否具备关键信息和在面试中求职者是否具备重要经验。

    The major conclusion of the paper includes : 1 . In the official information communication stage , the factors which leads to efficient communication is : the essential information lies on the resume material and the important experience demonstrated during the job interview .

  13. 本文在交易中正式引入“沟通”这一概念,以便扩展现有的交易理论的研究深度和广度。

    This paper formally introduces communication into transaction in order to deepen the study of the contract theory .

  14. 因此政府必须充分重视农户的投资需求差异,并评估改变农户投资偏好的能力,相应的正式或非正式沟通就显得十分必要。

    Therefore , government should attach importance to different investment demands of peasant households , estimate the capability of changing investment appetites of it , and it is necessary to communicate with each other formally and informally .

  15. 一旦正式或非正式的听到员工的自愿辞职信息,管理人员应进行正式的沟通,了解辞职原因。

    On hearing of employee 's voluntary resignation either formally or informally , the management staff shall conduct informal communication and understand the reason for leaving .