
zhènɡ dàng dāng shì rén
  • just party
  1. 此外,正当当事人制度也与诉讼经济相关联。

    Moreover , proper party system bears close relationships with litigation economics .

  2. 第三部分为离婚损害赔偿之诉的正当当事人问题。

    The third part of the complaint for divorce damages the legitimate parties to the problem .

  3. 在理论界,是传统的正当当事人以及发展中的诉讼担当理论,特别是任意诉讼担当理论的适用发展。

    In theory , it is traditional as litigants and developing litigation take-on theory , especially any litigation take-on theory applicable development .

  4. 正当当事人问题是当事人研究中的重要内容,正当当事人的概念与当事人既有区别又有联系。

    Proper party is an important part of party research . Proper party concept is related to , meanwhile different from party .

  5. 股东派生诉讼是股东为了公司的利益以自己的名义代表公司提起的诉讼,它不同于股东直接诉讼,因此在正当当事人确定、诉讼管辖、证明责任分配等等问题上具有自身的特殊性。

    Shareholder 's derivative suit is the ction which is taken by the shareholder in sake for the benefit of his or her company .

  6. 随着社会现实的要求和诉讼法学理论的发展,当事人适格条件不断缓和,正当当事人有了很大的扩张空间。

    In regards to social reality and theoretical development of procedural law , the scope of the plaintiffs is loosening and competent parties enjoy much more expansion .

  7. 坚持既维护投资人合法权益又防止其滥用诉权的原则,对程序当事人和正当当事人分别进行规范;

    Parties in proceedings and proper parties should be appropriately regulated so as to prevent an abuse of rights to an action while , at the same time remain the investors protected .

  8. 政府采购社会政策功能的正当性及当事人利益保护

    Legitimacy of Social Policy Function in Government Procurement and Protection of Party 's Interest

  9. 但在另一方面,有时有合理和正当的理由将当事人希望予以保密的情况公诸于众。

    On the other hand , there can be good and valid reasons to report information that a news subject would prefer to keep secret .