
zhuān lì sù sònɡ
  • patent litigation;patent suit
  1. MPEGLA的专利诉讼迫在眉睫

    Patent lawsuits looming with MPEG LA

  2. 诺基亚称,和解协议将结束双方之间所有的专利诉讼,且双方也将撤回各自提交美国国际贸易委员会(usinternationaltradecommission)的申诉。

    Nokia said the agreement would result in the settlement of all patent litigation between the two companies and the withdrawal of their respective complaints to the US International Trade Commission .

  3. 苹果公司(Apple)与三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)专利诉讼案流出的新证据支持了外界的一个广泛猜测:或许这同样是一场苹果与谷歌(GoogleInc.)之间的战争。

    New evidence in the Apple-Samsung patent trial bolstered a widespread suspicion : this case might as well be called Apple v. Google .

  4. dW:人们一直在谈论开放源码项目的专利诉讼和责任。

    DW : People have talked about patent lawsuits and the liabilities for open source projects .

  5. GalaxySIII手机是苹果提交专利诉讼后才发布的,并不在法院判决范围内。

    The Galaxy S III , which was released after Apple had already filed its suit , was not covered by the verdict .

  6. 4.反诉并表态Facebook反对专利诉讼,这也反过来表示,如果雅虎放弃诉讼,Facebook也会投桃报李。

    Countersue and signal that Facebook is averse to patent lawsuits , which in turn signals that they will drop the lawsuit if Yahoo does .

  7. 由于Google并没有保护VP8用户能够免于专利诉讼,这将成为一个潜在的问题。

    Since Google is not indemnifying users of VP8 from patent lawsuits , this is even more of a potential problem .

  8. 去年12月,小米也因瑞典移动通讯设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)提出的专利诉讼而在印度暂时遭禁。

    In December , Xiaomi was temporarily blocked from India because of a patent complaint by the Swedish telecommunications manufacturer Ericsson .

  9. 法国施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)同意向一家中国公司支付2300万美元,以了结一起专利诉讼,这一和解金额创下中国知识产权案的最高纪录。

    France 's Schneider Electric has agreed to pay a Chinese company $ 23m to settle a patent lawsuit the largest recorded settlement in an intellectual property case in China .

  10. 诺基亚(Nokia)周二早间宣布与苹果公司(Apple)长达20个月的专利诉讼案已经达成和解,这对Android手机制造商可不是个好消息。

    The settlement of its epic 20-month patent dispute with apple ( AAPL ) that Nokia ( NOK ) announced early Tuesday could spell trouble for the makers of Android phones .

  11. 7月15日,在苹果公司起诉HTC的一起比较大的专利诉讼案中,美国国际贸易委员会裁决HTC侵犯苹果公司的两项专利。

    On July 15th the US International Trade Commission upheld two claims in a larger patent suit Apple had filed against its rival .

  12. 近几个月来,苹果公司在美国特拉华州和德国对宏达电公司(HTCCorp.)提起了专利诉讼。

    In recent months , Apple has sued HTC Corp. ( HTC , 2498 . TW ) in Delaware and Germany over one of those patents and others .

  13. 而且,由于大多数专利诉讼案的公司最终都通过交叉授权来了结案件,NHSecuritiesandInvestment证券投资公司驻首尔的分析师李成泰表示,最终唯一的赢家可能只有律师。

    And since companies in most patent lawsuits end up settling for cross-licensing deals , the only clear winners in the end may be the lawyers , notes Lee sun TAE , an analyst at NH securities and investment in Seoul .

  14. 三星(Samsung)可能被迫修改其智能手机运行的软件,以继续在美国销售,此前一上诉法庭赋予苹果(Apple)一项禁止令,苹果曾在2012年的专利诉讼中击败三星。

    Samsung may be forced to make changes to the software running on its smartphones in order to keep selling them in the US , after an appeals court granted Apple an injunction following its 2012 patent victory over its rival .

  15. 购买苹果公司(AppleInc.)iPhone产品的顾客也许很少留意这个小玩意的滑动解锁功能,但看看苹果公司的专利诉讼案件登记册,你就会明白这个功能还是很有威力的。

    Customers shopping for Apple Inc. 's ( AAPL ) iPhone might pay little attention to the gadget 's ' slide to unlock ' feature , but you would never know that from a quick glance at Apple 's current roster of patent lawsuits .

  16. 专利诉讼尽管会引起租金耗散,从而减少创新者总体利润,但有时仍是先期创新者的占优选择。3、完全的滞后专利保护宽度(laggingpatentbreadth)不能给予创新者足够的创新激励。

    Although the patent lawsuit can cause the rent diffusion , thus reducing the sum of innovators ' profit , sometimes , yet it still is the dominant choice of the initial innovator . 3rd , completely lagging patent breadth can not offer enough innovation incentive to the innovators .

  17. 美国联邦巡回上诉法院(UnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheFederalCircuit)处理涉及专利诉讼的上诉,它表示,iPhone的整体美学造型——长方形的产品、圆角、黑色边框、平整的表面——不能受到保护,苹果的部分损失必须重新计算。

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , which deals with patent lawsuit appeals , said that the overall aesthetic of the iPhone - a rectangular product with rounded corners , black borders and a flat , clear surface - could not be protected and part of the damages would have to be recalculated .

  18. 通过目前企业专利诉讼现状分析及所遇问题进行相关假设,然后建立合作博弈模型分析,得到最优的专利信息检索和防御布局成本投入,最后基于Rubinstein讨价还价模型求出成本分担系数。

    By analyzing the current situation of patent litigation to propose some hypotheses and establish a cooperative game model to find the optimal cost investment of patent information retrieval and defense layout . Finally find the cost sharing coefficient by Rubinstein bargaining model .

  19. 在我国目前的专利诉讼制度中还存在着若干不完善的地方。

    There are some problems in China 's patent litigation system .

  20. 近几年来,科技公司已经习惯了专利诉讼。

    Technology companies have gotten used to patent litigation in recent years .

  21. 有效促进我国专利诉讼的公平与效率。

    It will improve our patent litigation fairness and efficiency .

  22. 谷歌当时迫切需要采取行动,在专利诉讼中自保。

    Google needed to move aggressively to protect itself from patent litigation .

  23. 3.反诉但不表态排除专利诉讼。

    Countersue without signaling any aversion to patent lawsuits .

  24. 表示了对一般药品公司与大型跨国公司之间解决专利诉讼这个问题越来越多的关注。

    It has expressed concern over generic drug firms increasingly settling patent lawsuits with large MNCs .

  25. 在国际知识产权诉讼中,美国专利诉讼最为典型。

    In the international intellectual property litigation , U.S. patent litigation is the most typical example .

  26. 苹果与三星的专利诉讼案判决看来也没有怎样改变这一趋势。

    A verdict in that marquee case seems to have done little to alter that trend .

  27. 在我国专利诉讼,其主管和管辖制度都有其特殊规定。

    Patent Litigation in China , including its litigation charge and jurisdiction has its own special provisions .

  28. 但是,和解意味着必须让雅虎得到些甜头,可能会纵容它变本加厉地发起更多无聊的专利诉讼。

    But , by rewarding Yahoo ( yhoo ) , settling would have encouraged more frivolous patent lawsuits .

  29. 迄今为止,中国专利诉讼的赔偿金额也一直很低,但这种情况可能会发生变化。

    Up to now , damages in Chinese patent cases have also been low , but that could change .

  30. 因为主管和管辖的问题,我国专利诉讼程序存在许多问题。

    Because the litigation charge and the jurisdiction , the proceedings in our country has a lot of issues .