
  1. 证据保全公证的效力就是指证据保全公证结果所产生的影响和作用,其直接表现为证据保全公证文书的效力。

    The validity of the conservation of evidence by notarization refers to the influence and effect that is produced by the result of the notarization .

  2. 证据保全公证的基本作用是由国家公证机构印证和固定事实,防止事实争议,预防法律争端或为正确适用法律公正地解决争端提供证据保障。

    The role of the conservation of evidence by notarization is to confirm and fix facts through notary organization , to prevent fact dispute and legal issue , to provide evidence safeguard for correct application of law to solve disputes fairly .

  3. 证据保全是现代公证制度的一项十分重要职能,是公证机构的一项十分重要业务,但理论研究与立法滞后。

    The conservation of evidence is an important function accomplished by modern notary system and an important business of notary organization . It is backward in its theory study and legislation .

  4. 在证明力问题上,电子证据既不同于书证也不同于视听资料,应该根据其在具体案件中所起的作用归类,电子证据的保全应引入公证机制。

    Electronic evidence is different from written evidence and video-audio material , so it should be classified by its function in each case and notarization should be introduced into the safeguard of electronic evidence .