
zuì jiā zhènɡ jù ɡuī zé
  • best evidence rule;rule of the best evidence
  1. 其中的特定法律规则主要指的是英美法系的传闻证据规则和最佳证据规则。

    And the " specified legal rules " means the " hearsay evidence rule " and " best evidence rule " under the Anglo-American law system .

  2. 在证明规则上,非法证据排除规则、传闻证据规则、品格证据规则、最佳证据规则在量刑事实的证明过程中都得以突破。

    On the rules of proof , The exclusionary rule 、 Hearsay Evidence Rule 、 Character evidence rule 、 Best Evidence Rule were all break out on the process of prove the sentencing facts .

  3. 第四章对几种法定证据形式及相关规则进行了分析,分析了最佳证据规则产生的原因,认为:在我国民事诉讼中,应当赋予书证之复印件、副本、节录本完全的证据资格;

    The fourth chapter analyzed the several legal forms of evidence and their concerning rules .

  4. 直接言词规则、最佳证据规则及我国现行法律规定并不影响电子证据的证据价值。

    Rules of evidence have no influence on its value . It is attributed to written evidence .

  5. 电子证据对传统英美证据规则的挑战主要涉及最佳证据规则、鉴证规则和传闻规则。

    Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best Evidence , Authentication Rule and Hearsay Rule .

  6. 关于其他科学证据,笔者认为对于测谎结论应确立关联性原则排除规则,但以被测试人自愿为例外;对于电子证据应确立最佳证据规则及可靠性推定规则。

    As for other scientific evidence , the author thinks we should establish exclusionary relevance rule of lie-detecting conclusion in principle except for the tested accepted voluntarily .

  7. 论文运用比较研究的方法,介绍了世界上电子证据立法比较先进的国家关于电子证据适用鉴证规则、最佳证据规则、传闻证据规则和非法证据排除规则的不同做法;

    This thesis comparatively introduces the different ways of many countries on the rules of distinguishing the evidence , the rules of evidence priority , the rules of hearsay evidence , and the rules of eliminating illegal evidence .

  8. 在对各国电子立法的概况作了简要介绍后,着重分析了英美两国对传闻证据规则和最佳证据规则的突破,使得电子证据在该两国得以确立的情况。

    The article , after briefly introducing the survey of legislation about electronic evidence in many countries , mainly analyses the establishment as evidence of electronic evidence in British and America because of the breakthrough made in the hearsay evidence rules and best evidence rules .