
  • 网络Optimal capital structure;Optimum Capital Structure
  1. 以MM理论为起点的资本结构理论一直着力于探讨最优资本结构的存在及决定问题。

    Started with MM theory , the capital structure theory has been focusing on the existence and determination of the optimal capital structure .

  2. 通过Gauss-Seidel迭代并利用非线性最小二乘法对整个模型进行估计,分析最优资本结构及调整速度的影响因素等。

    Gauss-Seidel iteration and Non-linear OLS are used to estimate the entire model , and analyze the optimal capital structure and the factors of speed of adjustment .

  3. 从MM理论角度出发,要控制企业财务风险,关键是确定企业最优资本结构,控制资本结构风险。

    The analysis is based on the MM Theorem , reaching the conclusion that the key to control financial risk is to control the capital structure risk through determining an optimal capital structure .

  4. 基于EBIT-EPS分析确定最优资本结构

    Deciding Optimum Capital Structure on the Basis of EBIT-EPS

  5. 第二,债务融资效应的综合得分F随资产负债率的上升而上升,到某一临界值以后,F随资产负债率的上升而下降,存在最优资本结构。

    Secondly , Comprehensive score F of the financing effect of the debt rises with the rising of the asset-liability ratio . After reaching a certain critical value , F drops with the rising of the rising of the asset-liability ratio , there is optimum capital structure .

  6. 航运企业的最优资本结构及其确定

    On the Optimal Capital Structure of Shipping Enterprises and its Defining

  7. 公司最优资本结构的理论与实证研究

    Optimal Capital Structure of the Firm : Theoretical and Empirical Research

  8. 试论股份公司最优资本结构决策

    Probing into the Best Policy or a Company 's Capital Structure

  9. 节税收益、破产成本与最优资本结构

    Tax Shield , Bankruptcy Cost and the Optimal Capital Structure

  10. 噪声市场条件下的最优资本结构

    Analysis of Optimal Capital Structure Under Condition of Noise Market

  11. 实施经济资本预算管理的理论基础是最优资本结构理论的存在。

    Its theories foundation is the existence of the superior capital structure .

  12. 企业最优资本结构决策

    Enterprise Policy - Decision for Its Optimum Capital Structure

  13. 企业最优资本结构模型的构建&当债务资本成本相对不变时

    The Best Capital Structure Model of Enterprises With Relative Unchangeable Due Capital Cost

  14. 股份有限公司最优资本结构的成本模型

    Cost Model of Limited Company 's Best Capital Structure

  15. 对最优资本结构衡量标准的探讨

    Quest for the Standard of the Best Capital Structure

  16. 论企业最优资本结构的确定

    On the Determination of Firms ' Optimal Capital Structure

  17. 企业最优资本结构博弈研究

    Game Study of Optimal Capital Structure of Company

  18. 与最优资本结构相比,我国上市公司的实际负债率严重不足。

    Compared with optimal structure , Chinese listed companies greatly fall short of debt .

  19. 企业最优资本结构及其良性循环的实现

    On Optimal Capital Structure of an Enterprise and the Realization of Its Virtuous Circle

  20. 基于风险与收益对称的最优资本结构研究

    Study on optimal capital structure : Based on trade off between return and risk

  21. 公司最优资本结构模型研究

    Study of the Optimal Corporate Capital Structure Model

  22. 怎样确定最优资本结构?

    How to determine optimal capital structure ?

  23. 非对称信息条件下的最优资本结构

    The Optimum Structure under Asymmetric Information

  24. 寻找最优资本结构是促进企业发展的一个重要方法。

    To find the optimal capital structure is to promote the development of an important method .

  25. 本文试图基于企业的交易成本观点来探讨最优资本结构决策问题。

    This paper tries to discuss optimal capital structure decision based on transaction cost view of firm .

  26. 破产机制、债券价格与最优资本结构的数值模拟与案例研究

    Bankruptcy Mechanism , Bond Price and Optimal Capital Structure : Based on Numerical Simulation and Case Research

  27. 其中最优资本结构的存在和影响因素成为一个争论的焦点。

    Deciding whether or not there are optical capital structure and its determinants becomes a key debating point .

  28. 在公司财务理论中,公司最优资本结构的确定是一个重要问题。

    In typical corporate finance theory , how to search for an optimal capital structure is an important issue .

  29. 本文分析了风险资本家如何在风险企业退出阶段,选择最优资本结构使得信息不对称程度最小;

    This paper has analyzed venture capitalist how to minimum to select optimal capital structure to reduce informational asymmetries ;

  30. 这条曲线作为企业确定最优资本结构的重要理论依据,将使企业最优资本结构的确定变得易于操作。

    As an important theoretical basis , the curve will make it operable to determine the optimal capital structure .