
  • 网络Sovereign capital;equity capital
  1. 库藏股交易缴入股本股份有限公司的盈利是在其缴入的业主权资本之外单独累积的。

    Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions Corporation 's earnings are accumulated separately from its paid-in equity capital .

  2. 与独资和合伙不同,公司必须把缴入的业主权资本与累积的盈利分开报告,其累积的盈利称为“留存收益”。

    Unlike single proprietorships and partnerships , corporations must report paid-in equity capital separately from accumulated earnings , called retained earnings .

  3. 资本结构是指长期负债额与主权资本的比例,不同的资本结构,对企业承担的财务风险、每股盈余、企业价值均会产生重大影响。

    Capital structure is the rate of long term liabilities and sovereignty capital . Different capital structure has a big effect to firm finance adventure , surplus of every stock , firm value .

  4. 《新巴塞尔协议》高度重视内部评级法(IRB)在风险管理和资本监管中的作用,并以自主权和资本优惠为激励手段鼓励有条件的银行建立和发展内部评级模型及配套的计算机系统。

    Basel II pays high attention to the function of internal ratings-based ( IRB ) in risk management and capital supervision . It encourages capable bank establish the IRB model and corresponding computer system .

  5. 所有者权益一词指的是所有者在实业中的利益和对实业的主张权。业主权,资本和净值都是所有者权益的其它表达方式。

    The term owner 's equity refers to the owner 's interest in or claim upon the business . proprietorship , capital , and net worth are other terms for owner 's equity .

  6. 这就是侵蚀国家资本自主权的国际金融资本。

    Thus is global financial capital eroding the autonomy of national capital .

  7. 国家风险与主权评级:全球资本市场的评估与准入

    Country Risks and Grade Sovereignty

  8. 英美模式缘自于股东主权加竞争性资本市场,德日模式缘自于主银行制和法人相互持股。

    The British-American model originated from the emphasis on shareholder right and a competitive capital market , while the German-Japan model is shaped by banking dominance and legal person cross-shareholding .

  9. 知识经济时代是人才主权时代,智力资本和人力资本成为企业的战略性资源,员工资质是区分绩效优劣的源泉。

    The knowledge-based economy era is the ages that talented person reigned , intelligence capital and human capital become strategy resources of the business enterprise , employee 's competency is a headspring to distinguish the results of good or bad .

  10. 随着主权财富基金在资本市场上活跃程度提高,大部分西方发达国家对外资进入的国内立法进行了修改,加强了对外国主权财富基金在东道国进行投资的行为的审查和监管力度。

    The sovereignty of wealth in the capital market funding , the involvement of the western developed countries had amended domestic legislation , the sovereignty of the fund in foreign investment in the wealth of the review and supervision strength .