
  • 网络Main Board Listing
  1. 创业板的发展速度之快我们有目共睹,它也着实解决了很多无法达到主板上市要求和中小企业板上市要求的中小企业的融资需求。

    GEM is growing faster than we all to see , it really solved many unable to meet the funding needs of the Main Board listing requirements of SME .

  2. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)昨日提出了两项建议,以消除人们对于英国上市企业规定过多的混淆,这可能为伦敦证交所(lse)主板上市打造一个“强势品牌”。

    The financial services authority put forward two suggestions yesterday to clear up confusion over the plethora of rules for British listed companies , potentially creating a " premium brand " for the main list of the London Stock Exchange .

  3. 以2009年深市A股主板上市公司为样本进行实证研究。

    By 2009 , listed on Shenzhen A shares of the company targeted empirical research .

  4. 并认为到美国主板上市融资是医药企业融资应该追求的方向。

    In addition , listing financing in American main board was suggested for pharmaceutical enterprises .

  5. 2004年6月,腾讯在香港交易所主板上市。

    Tencent went public on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2004 .

  6. 再加上创业板公司上市公司相对于主板上市公司,其经营风险非常大。

    Together with companies listed on GEM Board listed company with respect to its business risk is very great .

  7. 接着本文以2006年&2010年深沪A股主板上市公司数据进行检验分析。

    Then this paper took companies listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share to carry out the test data analysis .

  8. 2008年,我们在香港联交所主板上市,翻开了宏华梦想的新篇章。

    In2008 , we were listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange , ushering in a new chapter of our development .

  9. 在此基础上,我们以深圳主板上市公司网站为样本,对影响公司网站投资者关系水平的因素进行了实证检验。

    With A-shares samples on the Shenzhen stock exchange , the paper tests empirically the determinants of investor relations on corporate websites .

  10. 友邦保险于香港联合交易所有限公司的主板上市,股份代号为‘1299’。

    AIA is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under the stock code '1299 ' .

  11. 德国的承销商预计,根据市场状况,明年可能还会有六家左右的中国公司在德国主板上市。

    Depending on market conditions , German underwriters expect an additional half dozen to list on the main board next year , too .

  12. 最终通过比较不同市场的特点,提出医药企业在创业板和主板上市的不同选择。

    At last , the different choices of pharmaceutical enterprises listed in growth board and main board were advanced by comparing the different markets .

  13. 本文以上海证券交易所主板上市的制造业公司为研究对象,经过一定的方式筛选后,选取了299家上市公司2007-2009年3年的数据作为研究样本。

    This article listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Board manufacturing companies for the study , selecting 299 listed company and data from 2007-2009 as research samples .

  14. 和国外的研究相比,国内对于企业社会责任的研究起步较晚,且多集中于主板上市的大型企业。

    Compared with foreign countries ' circumstance , study about corporate social responsibility starts late in china and most of studies are focused on the main board listed companies .

  15. 这些公司选择在德国证交所主板上市,这里汇聚了高端上市公司,要求具有非常高的透明度。Sal。

    The new companies listing in Frankfurt are placing themselves in the exchange 's'Prime Standard'segment , the Deutsche Boerse 's higher-end listings that are required to have the highest transparency .

  16. 发展至今,创业板已经发展成为帮助那些无法在主板上市的中小型新兴企业,特别是高成长性科技公司融资的市场。

    Nowadays GEM has developed into a board that helps those emerging small and medium enterprises , especially those fast-growing technology companies ' financing market , which can not be listed in the main-board .

  17. 将创业板上市规则和主板上市规则进行了对比,认为虽然创业板降低了入市门槛,但是由于缺乏更为详细的实施细则,实际效果如何仍不容乐观。

    Make a contrast of main board listing rules and the GEM listing rules . Though they lower the lever for them , without the detail practice regulations , the real effects are not so well .

  18. 本文选择在深交所和上交所划分的食品饮料行业主板上市公司为研究样本,数据主要来源于年报中披露的实际数据。

    Select Main Board listed companies of food and beverage industry in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange as the sample . The main source of data is the actual data disclosed in the Annual Report .

  19. 然而,伦敦证交所正试图回避争议,它形容这个新型市场是为“机构型、专业类和投资知识非常丰富的”投资者而设,因此不需要与主板上市进行同样的监管。

    However , the exchange is trying to sidestep controversy by describing the new market as for " institutional , professional and highly knowledgeable " investors , so it does not need the same level of regulation as the main list .

  20. 创业板主要服务于新兴产业尤其是高新技术产业,弥补其暂时无法通过主板上市来直接融资的缺陷,与主板市场相对应,是对主板市场的有效补充。

    The GEM mainly services for emerging industries , especially high-tech industries , making up for the shortcoming that enterprises are unable to raise capital through the board temporarily . Corresponding to the Main Board , GEM is an effective complement to it .

  21. 据中国证监会公布的数据,这份名单共有28家公司,其中16家企业拟在上海证券交易所主板上市,4家企业拟在深圳证券交易所中小板上市,8家拟在创业板上市。

    A total of 28 companies appeared on the list , 16 for the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange , 4 for small and medium-sized enterprises board in Shenzhen and 8 for the ChiNext Board accoroding to data from China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  22. 其次,通过比较中小板上市公司和深市中主板上市公司2008年&2010年股利分配的状况,描述了中小板上市公司股利分配呈现出的主要特点。

    Secondly , through comparing the dividend distribution situation between the listed companies in the small and medium enterprise board and the listed companies in shenzhen exchanges , we describe the main characteristics of the dividend policy of the small and medium enterprise board listed companies .

  23. 主板上市公司并没有提升自身的长期竞争力,没能将资本投入到创新能力的培养上,而是选择了简单地购置或更新设备,加大固定资产的投资,却并没有从提高企业的研发支出。

    Unfortunately , the main board listed companies do not upgrade the competitiveness for a long run , and failed to turn capital resources into their core creativity . They put amount of capital into simply repurchasing or updating their equipment rather than into R & D expenditure .

  24. 随着Intel865/875系列芯片组主板的上市,通过主板的南桥芯片便可以直接支持串行ATA了,这标志着串行ATA开始走向了成熟期。

    Along with the mainboard based on the Intel 865 / 875 appearing on market , serial ATA devices can be connected directly to the mainboard through the south bridge , which indicates that the ATA technique is well developed .

  25. 创业板上市公司虽然具有很高的成长性,但是相对于投资者来说,投资创业板上市公司的风险也要比投资主板市场上市公司高得多。

    GEM companies though high growth , but relative to the investors , investment risk of GEM companies than investment motherboard market listed company much higher .

  26. 据香港联交所最新消息,无线覆盖系统供应商星辰通信已公布香港主板招股上市详情。

    According to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange latest news , the wireless coverage system vendor Star Communications has announced details of the main board listing prospectus .

  27. 我们的强项是我们有能力向客户或投资组合公司提供从成立到之后主板股票上市的甄别,洽谈,交易及顾问服务。

    Our strength is our ability to identify , negotiate , transact and advise client or portfolio companies from inception to post main board stock market listing .

  28. 创业板上市公司这一高成长性的中小企业群体,也有着区别于主板市场上市公司的独特性,其股利政策方面需要研究的问题还很多。

    Companies listed on GEM as groups of high-growth small and medium-sized enterprise , also have uniqueness from the Main Board listed companies , so there are many problems need to be studied .

  29. 然而到目前为止,学者们更多关注的是主板市场上市公司的股利政策与企业绩效之间的关系,而没有专门研究中小板市场上市公司的股利政策与企业绩效之间的关系。

    So far , however , scholars are more concerned about the motherboard market relationship between dividend policy of listed company and performance but without special research relationship between the small market and business performance .

  30. 其次,分析了我国主板民营上市公司管理层持股的现状,并在此基础上指出了管理层持股存在的若干问题及其成因。

    Secondly , it analyzes the present situation of managerial ownership of private listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen main board market . Moreover , it points out some problems in managerial ownership and their causes .