
  • 网络Growth Fund
  1. AccelPartners风险投资公司目前管理着一支早期基金,一支成长型基金,一支中国基金,一支印度基金和一支欧洲基金。

    Accel Partners currently is managing an early-stage fund , a growth fund , a China fund , an India fund , and a Europe fund .

  2. 比如:成长型基金,主要投资于高成长性公司;

    Some examples : growth funds , which buy shares of burgeoning companies ;

  3. 成长型基金对股市波动的影响较大,而平衡型基金具有降低股市波动的作用。

    Growth funds are most volatile of all styles , while equilibrium funds are the least .

  4. 研究结论表明在2003年8月15日至2004年12月10日期间,成长型证券投资基金的业绩优于以大盘股票指数为投掷组合的基准组合;

    This article shows that during Aug 15,2003 and Dec 10,2004 , the growing mutual fund performance exceed the objective fund that invest the stocks that compose of Shanghai Composite Index or Citic Composite Index .

  5. 如果成长型证券投资基金的业绩超越股票指数的业绩,但这种差异没有得到统计检验证明,说明成长型证券投资基金的投资风格对基金的业绩有影响,但是不显著;

    If the result of research shows that the performance of the growing mutual fund can exceed the performance of stock index , but the difference isn 't proved by T-test , that express the investment style of mutual fund is affect investment performance , but no obviously .

  6. 结果发现,股票型开放式基金的VaR值的确远远高于债券型,但股票型开放式基金中,所谓的成长型和价值型基金之间的VaR值并无实质差异。

    It shows that the VaR of stock style is really larger than those of bond style , but the VaRs of both growth style and value style are not different distinctly .

  7. 广义的私募股权投资包括了风险投资(venturecapital)、成长型投资以及并购基金等多种形式,运用新型金融工具开展对非上市公司股权的投资活动。

    It has developed since late 1970s . In broad sense , Private Equity ( PE ) includes venture capital , growth capital and M & A fund as three main categories of investment . Private Equity invests in non-public companies through various financial instruments .