
chénɡ jiāo liànɡ
  • turnover;volume of business
  1. 据推广英国金融行业的私营部门组织伦敦国际金融服务公司(InternationalFinancialServices,London)统计,伦敦占据了全球外汇交易成交量的36%,而排名第二的纽约所占比重为14%。

    London accounts for 36 % of global foreign-exchange trading : the next-biggest player , New York , is responsible for 14 % of turnover , according to International Financial Services London , a private-sector group that promotes the U.K. financial industry .

  2. 周三早盘期间,沪港通(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect)南向成交量超过了150亿港元(合19亿美元),是此前单日记录的两倍以上。

    During the morning session on Wednesday , southbound turnover through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect rose past HK $ 15bn ( US $ 1.9bn ), more than double the previous daily record .

  3. 是日股市交易频繁,成交量为800万元。

    Shares worth $ 8 million changed hands during a day of hectic trading .

  4. 昨天拍卖之前的成交量很小。

    Trading was very light ahead of yesterday 's auction .

  5. 有700多万股换手,是通常日平均成交量的3倍。

    More than 7 million shares changed hands , treble the normal daily average .

  6. 中国某家汽车产业协会周四公布的数据显示,2月份中国汽车交易年同比下降0.9%,成交量158万辆。中国是世界上最大的汽车交易市场。

    Auto sales in China , the world 's biggest auto market , fell 0.9 percent year on year to 1.58 million units in February , data from an industry association showed Thursday .

  7. 不计美国银行(bankofamerica)的大宗出售,成交量也达到平常水平的10至12倍。

    Trading volumes , excluding the big sale by Bank of America , were 10 to 12 times typical levels .

  8. 到去年12月份,该公司股票在香港市场的成交量是aim的8倍以上。

    By December the volume of its shares trading in Hong Kong was more than eight times higher than on aim .

  9. 据推测,P2P借贷行业每年的成交量已经达到几百亿元。

    It is assumed that the volume has reached tens of billions of dollars every year .

  10. 美国期货业协会(FuturesIndustryAssociation)表示,去年全世界成交量最大的4个金属合约也都是中国的。

    Chinese futures contracts were also the top four most traded metals contracts in the world last year , according to the Futures Industry Association .

  11. 然后交易流聚合并进行运算来计算成交量加权平均价(volumeweightedaverageprice,VWAP)。

    The trade stream is then aggregated and operated on to calculate the volume weighted average price ( VWAP ) .

  12. 定量分析证明指数的日收盘价和日成交量之间存在均衡关系,收盘价是成交量的Granger原因。

    Quantitative analysis results show that Equilibrium relationship exist between price and volume and price Granger Cause volume .

  13. 成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(ipo)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。

    Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds , which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations , sought to turn a quick profit .

  14. 今年5月,中国股市成交量超过了亚洲其它市场总和,其首次公开发行(ipo)筹资额也超越了全球其它股市。

    In May , trading volumes exceeded the rest of Asia combined while money raised from initial public offerings has eclipsed all other markets .

  15. 根据1999年Hong和Stein信息逐渐扩散的行为模型,构建了中国股市基于成交量的价格动量策略。

    Based on the gradual-information-diffusion model of Hong and Stein ( 1999 ), volume-based price momentum strategies in China 's stock market are derived .

  16. 根据期货业协会(FuturesIndustryAssociation)的数据,以成交量计,上海期货交易所去年是全球第十大衍生品交易所,郑州和大连交易所紧随其后。

    Last year , the Shanghai futures exchange was the 10th-largest derivative exchange in the world by volume , according to the Futures Industry Association , and the Zhengzhou and Dalian exchanges were just behind it .

  17. 实证结果表明,股票市场成交量与M1存在明显的正相关,相关系数为0.03左右。

    The facts prove that stock market trade effect has direct correlation with the existence of M1 , the coefficient is 0.03 .

  18. 8月份这轮主要由科技股拉动的涨势以成交量偏小为特征,苹果公司(apple)股价创出历史新高每股674.88美元,目前其在标准普尔指数中所占权重已经接近5%。

    Low equity volumes have typified the August rally led by technology shares , with apple touching a record high of $ 674.88 and now alone accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the S & P.

  19. 其次,基于协整理论和Granger因果分析研究了价格与供给量、成交量和流拍率之间的关系。

    Then , based on the cointegration and Granger causality tests , the relationships between price and supply , volume or unsold rate are analyzed .

  20. 去年11月,中国鲜橙种植集团亚洲果业在香港二次上市,仅两周之后,日成交量就达到了1200万股,而在AIM的日成交易仅为50万股。

    When Asian Citrus , the Chinese orange plantation group , took a secondary quote in Hong Kong in November , it was only a couple of weeks before 12m shares a day were trading , compared with 500,000 a day on Aim .

  21. 据法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)估计,随着中国股市的日成交量飙升,保证金借款也正以创纪录的速度上升。

    Daily turnover in the market has spiked , while margin debt is rising at a record pace , according to BNP Paribas estimates .

  22. 2009年迄今为止,中国证券交易所的成交量超过了纽约证交所(nyse),韩国和印度市场的成交量也分别超过法国和加拿大。

    So far in 2009 , Chinese exchanges have traded more than the NYSE , South Korea more than France and India more than Canada .

  23. 新加坡证交所曾试图与澳大利亚证交所(ase)建立一个联合交易系统,但由于成交量匮乏,该计划于2005年终止。

    An SGX effort to establish a joint trading system with the Australian Stock Exchange was discontinued in 2005 because of a lack of trading volume .

  24. 据莱坊(knightfrank)一份专为《金融时报》编撰的研究报告称,如今外国买家占了伦敦高端公寓成交量的85%,而纽约这一比例约占50%。

    According to research compiled exclusively for the financial times by Knight Frank , foreign buyers in London now constitute 85 per cent of super-prime purchases compared with 50 per cent in New York .

  25. 因此将GA-BP算法应用于上海证券市场中每日成交量时间序列的预测,结果验证了这种预测方法的有效性。

    Therefore GA-BP is used to forecast the daily turnover of the Shanghai stock market ; the results confirm the validity of this prediction method .

  26. 为了减少短期趋势的影响,作者使用Chen和Peters提出的方法去除小麦期货价格和成交量的短期趋势。

    In order to reduce the influence of short-term trend , the author uses the methods putting out by Chen and Peters to eliminate wheat futures price and volume of short-term trend .

  27. 伦敦证交所(LSE)昨日预计,随着其近来展开针对美国竞争对手纳斯达克(Nasdaq)敌意收购的防御战,该交易所电子交易平台成交量将急剧放大。

    The London Stock Exchange yesterday forecast a dramatic increase in trading volumes on its electronic trading platform as it launched its latest defence against a hostile bid by US rival Nasdaq .

  28. 实例的收益率、供应量、成交量、流拍率等序列存在明显的ARCH效应,供货量、成交量负面效应大于正面效应,而流拍率主要呈现正面的杠杆效应。

    There exists obvious ARCH effect among the series of yield rate , supply , trading volume and unsold rate . The negative effect of supply and trading volume is bigger than positive effect , and unsold rate is mainly characterized by a positive leverage effect .

  29. 麦格理(Macquarie)表示,不仅A股股价大幅下挫,中国内地证交所的日成交量也比今年迄今为止的平均水平下降了约40%。

    Not only have Chinese A-shares deflated sharply in price , but daily turnover on mainland stock exchanges has slumped by about 40 per cent from its year-to-date average , says Macquarie .

  30. 发现用GMM方法得出的结果表明成交量和价格限制的影响要强于一般方法得出的结果,价格限制影响表现出了对自回归系数更强烈的影响。

    We found that the volume and the price limits effects obtained by the GMM method are both stronger than those of the conventional method , and the price limits have the stronger impact to auto-regressive coefficients .