
  • 网络growth stock;low book-to-market equity
  1. 如果公司将大部分钱再次投入公司运营,那么这种股票称之为成长型股票。

    If the company puts most of the money back into the business , it is called a growth stock .

  2. 掌管4000万英镑的GLG科技股本基金(GLGTechnologyEquity,以前名为SG科技基金)青睐小盘成长型股票。

    The 40m GLG Technology Equity fund ( formerly SG Technology ) favours small-cap growth stocks .

  3. 成长型股票价值及股利支付路径之最优化模型

    Dynamic programming for solving growth-stock value and optimizing dividend payout paths

  4. 近年来,成长型股票吸引了众多投资者的注意,希望选择和投资成长型股票成为许多中长期投资者的心中首选。

    In recent years , the growth stocks are attracted by many investors .

  5. 投资者可购买久期长的成长型股票。

    Investors pay up for long duration Growth stocks .

  6. 成长型股票是指收益增长快于市场平均水平的股票。

    ' Growth'stocks are those whose earnings are growing faster than the market average .

  7. 成长型股票可靠的出路,还有助于吸引更多私人股本资金,鼓励它们支持有望上市的企业。

    A reliable outlet for growth stocks also draws in more private equity money to back listable candidates .

  8. 确实,较为廉价的“价值”股的表现超过较为昂贵的成长型股票,但这很难算的上垃圾股当道。

    True , cheaper " value " stocks outperformed more costly growth stocks , but it was hardly a dash for trash .

  9. Fama&French(1998)指出,在世界范围内,价值型股票比成长型股票具有普遍的较高的收益率。

    As Fama & French ( 1998 ) pointed out , value stocks have higher returns than growth stocks in the markets around the world .

  10. 第五部分,介绍了基于行为金融理论的主要证券投资策略,并研究了适合成长型股票的投资策略。

    In part five , I introduced the investment strategies base on behavioral finance theory , and then explored the suitable investment strategies for growth stocks .

  11. 第一部分,介绍了股票价值的决定因素和证券市场的效率,并对成长型股票进行了定义。

    In part one , I introduced the decision theory of stock value , the efficiency of security market , and then defined the growth stocks .

  12. 这种不惜一切代价实现产出增长的政策,意味着成长型股票的投资者“搞不清这些企业为什么赚钱”。

    A policy of output growth at all costs means that investors in growth stocks are " not sure why these companies are making money , " Pettis says .

  13. 基金经理偏向于发掘超速成长型公司股票,以期在整个熊市背景下,获得超额收益率,实现对投资者业绩的承诺。

    The managers of funds who want to gain excess return and realize their performance promises to investors , lean to exhume the over-speed pullulating corporation 's stock .

  14. 前5种投资组合运用3种传统的资产类别(现金、债券和股票)进行资产配置,以配合一系列不同的投资风格,如固定收益型、债券型、平衡型、成长型和股票型。

    The first five use three traditional asset classes - cash , bonds and equities - allocated in such a way to suit a range of different investment styles , such as fixed income , yield , balanced , growth and equity .

  15. 历史学家告诉我们,在大萧条时期表现最好的许多股票其实是所谓的成长型公司的股票,因为这是些有能力征服未来的公司。

    Historians note that many of the stocks which did best during the Great Depression were actually so-called'growth'companies , because they were the ones conquering the future .