
  • 网络cost rent
  1. 此后,用钱购买住房或用成本租金租赁住房将形成新机制。

    Henceforth , using money to buy a living place or using rent to rent housing will become new methods .

  2. 这些挑战包括:劳动力成本和租金不断上涨,人工短缺,消费者口味改变,竞争日益加剧。

    These challenges include rising labour costs and rents , labour shortages , changing consumer tastes and increasing competition .

  3. 搜寻成本与信誉租金存在因果关系。

    There is a cause-and-effect relationship between search cost and highly pricing .

  4. 因为汉堡不易跨国交易,而且价格随着当地非交易商品的成本,例如租金、员工薪资的不同也有偏差。

    Burgers cannot easily be traded across borders , and prices are distorted by big differences in the cost of non-traded local inputs such as rent and workers'wages .

  5. 我们承认它的确存在瑕疵:巨无霸并不像购买力平价理论要求的那样(可以)跨国交易,并且其价格被税收、关税、不同的利润以及不可贸易成本,例如租金所扭曲。

    We admit its flawed : big Macs are not traded across borders as the PPP theory demands , and prices are distorted by taxes , tariffs , different profit margins and differences in the cost of non-tradables , such as rents .

  6. 更大的风险在于,如果石油巨头意图控制成本的话,租金可能会下降。

    The bigger risk is that lease rates will fall as majors rein in costs .

  7. 然后您可以进行混合,并将它们匹配到不同场景的测试上,如带有高成本功效的便宜租金,或使用信用卡支付的低成本运输费用。

    You could then mix and match them to test for different scenarios like cheap rent with a high cost of utilities , or low transportation costs with a credit card debt .

  8. 对于那些还在以传统方式销售商品的零售商来说,从小铺面转移到大型购物中心或者大卖场意味着空调和照明所需的电费成本上升了,租金也增加了。

    For retailers still selling the old fashioned way , the shift from tiny storefronts to malls or box stores has meant higher power costs for air conditioning and lighting , as well as rising rent .

  9. GhiyathNakshbendi:“银行基于固定成本,可变成本,雇员成本,租金等等来评估自己的成本。由此他们来评估应该收取多少费用。”

    GHIYATH NAKSHBENDI : " The bank will estimate its costs based on its fixed costs , costs , the cost of their employees , the rent and . And from that they estimate how much they are going to charge . "

  10. 而随着运动用品企业库存高企,资金压力加大的情况,越来越要求在仓库作业领域进一步的提高效率,降低成本,特别是日益增长的人工成本和仓库租金成本。

    With high inventory and capital pressure , enterprises must improve efficiency ; reduce costs especially the growing labor costs and warehousing costs of rent .