
  • 网络cost decision;Cost Decision Making
  1. ERP环境下的模拟成本决策利用沙盘模拟形式进行物流教育

    The Simulated Cost Decision Making Based On ERP Board-based Simulations for Logistics Education

  2. ERP环境下的模拟成本决策

    The Simulated Cost Decision Making Based On ERP

  3. ERP系统中成本决策模块的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of ERP Cost - Decision Module

  4. 用战略-机会成本决策模型和层次分析法(AHP),对企业在供应链管理下进行物流自营或者外包决策提供定性和定量的方法。

    The aim of this paper is to show how AHP and strategy-opportunity cost decision model can assist in selecting of outsourcing logistics strategies for firms .

  5. 煤炭成本决策支持系统及其应用研究

    Research On Decision Support System For Coal Cost And Its Practice

  6. 网络教育的产业化特征及其成本决策的影响因素

    Industrial Character and Factors affecting Cost Control in Web-based Education

  7. 现代制造环境下基于作业字典的成本决策研究

    The Decision-Making of Cost Based on Activity Dictionary in Advanced Manufacturing Environment

  8. 企业成本决策与控制研究

    Study on Cost Decision Making and Control of an Enterprise

  9. 医院成本决策中若干重要的成本概念及其实例分析

    Several important cost concept in hospital 's cost decision-making and its examples analyzed

  10. 建安工程成本决策方法的应用研究

    Application Methods of Decision Making on the Construction Cost

  11. 在企业经营状况一定的情况下,纳税筹划的实质就是一个成本决策问题。

    Tax planning in fact is a cost decision-making in some certain operating circumstance .

  12. 本系统的计算机辅助成本决策模型覆盖成本管理决策的主要过程。

    The model of computer aid cost decision overlays main process of the system .

  13. 机械产品设计过程成本决策及控制方法与技术研究

    Research on Methodology and Techniques for Cost Decision and Control in Product Design Process

  14. 但要进行正确的成本决策,精确的成本信息是关键。

    But to make the right decision , the exact information about cost is important .

  15. 钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of a Product Target Cost Decision Supporting System for Iron and Steel Company

  16. 企业进行质量成本决策的目的是在质量与成本之间达到某种程度的平衡。

    The goal that an enterprise carries on quality cost decision-making is to reach some kind of balance between quality and cost .

  17. 针对现有企业自营或外购物流服务决策准则的缺陷,提出了战略&机会成本决策模型。

    Putting forward a Strategy-Opportunity Cost decision model in accordance with defectiveness of business decision criterion at present to operate logistics by itself or purchase from other businesses .

  18. 文章通过对应收账款和存货成本决策问题的研究,探讨了企业将如何降低资金运营成本,规避风险,提高效益的问题。

    This article makes research about decision-making on cost of receivable account funds and stock , and discuss about howto reduce operation cost , dodge the risk and enhance benefit .

  19. 在前面定性分析基础上,分别建立生产型企业和销售型企业有需求提前期的库存优化模型,得出成本决策变量的最优解。

    Based on the above qualitative analysis , it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively , fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable .

  20. 学习贯彻党的十五大精神积极开展企业文化建设&北京市企业文化建设的进展情况与建议在委托代理关系和信息不对称条件下,公司经理应以资本成本决策股利支付,贯彻资本成本观念。

    Constructing the Culture of Beijing Heavy Machine Factory and Creating the Factory 's lmage In the case of agency theory and information asymmetry , cost of capital should be considered during the process of making dividend decisions .

  21. 企业经营状况一定的情况下,固定税收负担是一个常量。因此,纳税筹划的成本决策实际上是变动税收负担、管理成本和风险成本三者之和最小方案的选择。

    Fixed tax is a constant in a certain operating circumstance , so the cost decision-making in tax planning in fact is to select a plan that minimizes the summation of variable tax , management cost and risk cost .

  22. 阐述了开发钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的重要意义,提出系统开发总体思想,并介绍了系统功能结构及主要模型。

    To expound the great significance to develop a production target Cost Decision Supporting System for the products of iron & steel enterprises , and put forward a general principle for the system development and introduce the systems functional structure and some main of models .

  23. 以及根据WTO博弈规则,在PWD模式下的成本收益决策。

    And the cost - income decision-making under P-W-D pattern .

  24. 成本管理决策信息化的关键&基于ABC的核算模型和数据模型

    Key of cost management decision informationization & Calculation model and data model based on ABC

  25. 基于MRPⅡ的成本管理决策支持系统的开发和研究

    The development and research on cost management decision support system based on MRP ⅱ

  26. 非对称信息下BPO风险、成本和决策博弈研究

    Study on the Risk , Cost and Decision-making Game of BPO in the Asymmetric Information Condition

  27. 基于体外受精(IVF)及促性腺激素结合IVF治疗原发性不孕症医疗成本的决策分析

    In vitro fertilization ( IVF ) versus gonadotropins followed by IVF as treatment for primary infertility : A cost-based decision analysis

  28. 基于推测弹性的双寡头研发AJ模型最优成本缩减决策

    Optimal Cost Reducing Decision of Duopoly R & D in AJ Model with Consistent Conjectural Elasticity

  29. 医院护理人力资源成本规划决策研究

    Study on Planning and Decision-making in Cost of Hospital Nursing Manpower Resource

  30. 发电成本优化决策知识库系统概述

    Knowledge base system for optimizing generation cost in electricity market