
  • 网络Costing;Cost;Cost analysis;cost breakdown;Cost Analyst
  1. 不过,一些分析人士说,医生在成本分析中有一席之地,因为做这件事的人不多。

    Still , some analysts say that there 's a role for doctors to play in cost analysis because not many others are doing so .

  2. 火电厂MIS系统中的动态成本分析

    Dynamic Cost Analysis of MIS System for Heat Power Plant

  3. 电石法生产PVC树脂的成本分析

    Analysis on the cost of PVC resin produced by calcium carbide process

  4. 选煤厂MIS成本分析系统设计与实现

    Development and Implementation of MIS Cost Analysis System Used in Coal Preparing Plant

  5. 价格时间Petri网是对web服务过程和工作流模型等进行时间和成本分析的一种新工具。

    Price time Petri net is an emerging tool to analyze time and cost attributes of web service process and workflow model .

  6. 用WDM技术实现本地网扩容的成本分析

    Cost analysis of using WDM to expand local network

  7. PSTN本地网目标成本分析

    The analysis of target cost of PSTN local telephone network

  8. 基于TCO模式的采购成本分析法的应用研究

    Application of Purchasing Cost Analysis Based on the Mode of Total Cost of Ownership

  9. 从质量成本分析入手,寻求提高质量的新途径,弥补ABC质量管理法从经济角度分析问题的不足。

    Seeking a new way for improvement of quality by start with analysis of quality cost as complement of economic analysis of ABC quality management .

  10. 本文总结了与银行全成本分析相关的研究和算法,重点研究了基于关联规则的分类算法(CBA,ClassificationBasedonAssociation)。

    This paper gives a summary of the research related to the algorithms used in the bank cost analysis , and puts the emphasis on the algorithm of Classification Based on Association ( CBA ) .

  11. 在分析模块中,应用了一种适用于B/S结构的寿命周期成本分析系统的Flex技术和Hibernate技术,并采用Cairngorm作为MVC框架,促使视图层和逻辑业务层分离。

    In the analysis module , one for B / S structure of the system life-cycle cost analysis Flex technology and Hibernate technology has been used , and using Cairngorm MVC framework as to promote the business logic layer and the layer separation .

  12. 出口企业商业信用成本分析和管理。

    Part 4 Export corporation trade credit cost analysis and management .

  13. 区域性医疗用品集中消毒供应的成本分析

    Concentrated Disinfectant Supply of Regional Medical Appliances and Its Cost Estimation

  14. 炼钢厂成本分析信息系统的开发设计

    Development and design of cost analyzing information system in Steel Plant

  15. 征税成本分析方法和降低途径的探讨

    Some Thoughts on the Methods of Reducing the Tax Collection Cost

  16. 我国电信普遍服务成本分析

    Cost Analysis is for Universal Service of Telecommunication in China

  17. 图书馆自动化系统的总体拥有成本分析

    Total Cost of Ownership of Library Automatic Information Management System

  18. 面向全寿命周期的民机直接维修成本分析和控制

    Life Cycle Analysis and Control of Direct Maintenance Cost for Civil Aircraft

  19. 风险投资资本的机会成本分析

    The Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs

  20. 质量成本分析方法和思路不当;

    The wrong methods and thought in quality cost analysis ;

  21. 基于过程建模的网上作业成本分析系统

    System for activity based costing analyzing based on enterprise business process modeling

  22. 准确快速的家具产品成本分析及报价

    Accurate and Fast Furniture Product Cost Analysis and Quotation

  23. 电力市场环境下的无功服务及其成本分析

    The analysis of reactive power service and its cost under electricity market environment

  24. 制造系统组态的最优成本分析

    The Optimal System Cost Analysis of the Manufacturing Systems

  25. 其中包括核电企业商业化发展的成本分析:投资、财务和经济效益分析;

    Investment , financial affairs and economic benefits analysis ;

  26. 公用事业基建项目的最小投资成本分析

    Least cost Analysis of Infrastructure Expansion in Public Utilities

  27. 企业流程再造中的作业成本分析

    Activity - Based Costing Analysis in Business Process Reengineering

  28. 铲运机的生产能力和作业成本分析

    The productivity of LHD and its operating cost analyses

  29. 独立董事薪酬的理性决定:收益成本分析法

    Reasonable Decision on Salary of Independent Director : Profit - Cost Analysis Method

  30. 异氰酸酯胶麦秆刨花板生产成本分析

    Analyses of Producing Cost on MDI Wheat Straw Particleboard