
  • 网络Cost adjustment
  1. 并进一步对利用环境成本调整GDP的几个问题进行了思考。

    What 's more , authors of this paper consider several problems adjusting GDP by environment cost .

  2. 数据显示,日本的成本调整后房价下降幅度为30%。

    Japans cost-adjusted drop was 30 percent , the data showed .

  3. 城市商务成本调整的起点,是明确城市的战略定位。

    The foundation of adjusting business cost is to ascertain this city 's strategic orientation .

  4. 它进一步表明,交易成本调整前,与无条件地购买并持有策略相比,实行技术交易策略可以产生超额报酬。

    Further it shows that the exercise of technical trading strategies generate excess return when compared to unconditional buy-and-hold strategy before transaction costs adjust .

  5. 尽管这对于消费者来说是好消息,但是这意味着社会保障金不会像去年那样增加,生活成本调整被命名成通货膨胀。

    Although good news for consumers , this means social security benefit won 't get much increase as last year , cost living adjustment entitled inflation .

  6. 沈峰认为国外公司并购税制的主要特点是建立完整合理的资本利得税体系,采用完善的资产计税成本调整方法,免税并购标准日趋细致完善,反避税原则推陈出新。

    Shen feng think that the main features of the tax system is to establish a complete and rational system of capital gains tax , asset tax cost of using a sound adjustment method , the standard tax-free mergers and acquisitions becoming more detailed sound , anti-avoidance principle of innovation .

  7. 在单个许可上节约成本和调整大小的一个常见应用设计方法是将客户账户放入表名称中,例如,customer123payment,其中的

    One common application design approach for saving cost and scaling on single licenses is to have the customer account name in the table name & for example , customer123_payment , where

  8. 而更多的则是取决于其它成本如何调整。

    Much depends on how other costs adjust .

  9. 对经济增长和行业产品需求量的过度预期,会导致非理性的投资,产生沉淀成本和调整成本。

    The excess expectation on economy results in irrational investment , and produces precipitating cost and adjusting cost .

  10. 因此,设备和其他资产在账册上以历史成本或调整后的历史成本反映。

    Therefore , equipment and other assets show on the books at historical cost or adjusted historical cost .

  11. 降低医疗成本,调整医疗市场结构,已成为各国医疗改革研究热点。

    Reducing healthcare costs and adjusting the structure of the healthcare market have become a hot topic on healthcare reform in every country .

  12. 众所周知,在投资的基准模型中,企业面临具有完全弹性的资本供给并能无成本的调整自己的资本存量。

    It is well known that in the baseline model firms face a perfectly elastic supply of capital goods and can adjust their capital stocks costlessly .

  13. 作为微观经济个体的厂商,在作投资决策时,应将选择价值纳入考虑范围,进行理性投资,减少沉淀成本和调整成本。

    As an economic individual , when factory makes an investment decision , it should consider optional value , and invest rationally , so as to reduce sinking cost and adjusting cost .

  14. 对任意一个国家的经济发展而言,无论是政府企业还是金融机构,都会面临降低利率风险和汇率风险、拓宽融资渠道、降低融资成本、调整资产负债结构等问题。

    For every countries ' economic development , each of governments , enterprises and financial institutions will face the same questions such as decreasing the risk of interest-rate and exchange-rate , enlarging financing channels , reducing financing costs , adjusting Asset-Liability structure , and so on .

  15. 对环境成本与GDP调整问题的思考

    To Think for Problems of the Environment Cost with GDP Adjustment

  16. 历史成本原则应调整为多重成本计量原则;

    The unitary principle of historical cost ought to be readjusted into the principle of multI - fold cost measurement .

  17. 使用此表单可对现有的订单或项目进行说明和更改,也可对总成本和时间调整进行追踪。

    Use this form to explain and specify changes to existing orders or projects , as well as track total cost and time adjustments .

  18. 对原投资成本进行追溯调整有悖于损益确认原则,追溯调整不合理;古代诗词移情手法的历史溯源

    Tracing back and adjusting the original cost of the investment is against the principle of gain and loss affirmance . Tracing Back to the Source of Empathy

  19. 如果他们从最糟糕的情况出发对成本结构进行调整,一旦经济好转,公司就会处于良好的状况,也能够利用摆在面前的机会。

    If they restructure their cost base for the worst case , they can get their organization healthy for the turnaround when it comes and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves .

  20. 例如,如果因为工人和项目经理更加熟习项目工作而使得劳动生产率得以进步,那么项目工作的预测总成本应向下调整。

    For example , if productivity is improving as workers and managers become more familiar with the project activities , the estimate of total costs for an item might be revised downward .

  21. 最后,EVA与净利润最大的区别是在权益资金成本方面,会计调整的影响并不明显。

    Finally , the biggest difference between EVA and net profit is the cost of equity capital .

  22. 再次,将EVA估价模型与现存主要企业价值评估模型的对比分析,得出EVA估价模型考虑权益资本成本,通过会计调整尽量剔除会计失真影响,着眼于企业的长远发展,能够真实地反映企业价值;

    Thirdly , contrastively analyzes EVA model and the other evaluation models in the highest flight , elicits it can reflects the true value and real performances of the companies , in view of equity capital , eliminating accountant distortion through accounting adjustment , considering the future of companies .

  23. 记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。

    The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost .

  24. 资源型城市转型成本可以分为调整成本和延误成本。

    The type-conversion cost of the resource-type cities can be divided into the adjustment cost and the delay cost .

  25. 您可以对范围、日程、成本和资源进行调整以符合项目计划。

    You can make adjustments to scope , schedule , cost , and resources in order to bring the project plan in line .

  26. 铁路运输成本还是制定和调整铁路运输价格以及企业间劳动清算价格的重要依据。

    Railroad conveyance cost is still the important basis to formulate and adjust railroad conveyance price , to account labor clearing prices among enterprises .

  27. 基于应用程序基础架构管理的策略可能会减少管理成本,允许自动调整大小,并且可能依赖于业务需求。

    Policy based management of the application infrastructure may reduce administration costs , allows auto scaling , and can be tied to business requirements .

  28. 鉴于当前的经济现实,我们再也不能抵消成本上升,需要调整价格。

    Given these current economic realities , we have now reached a point where we can no longer offset rising costs and need to adjust our pricing .

  29. 作为公司对外经营行为的转投资,一方面能够分散公司经营风险、节约交易成本,是公司调整自身产业结构,加速资本扩张的重要手段。

    Investment of company 's foreign operation , on one hand , can disperse company 's business risk , economize the transaction cost , adjust one 's own industrial structure , and accelerate the capital expanding .

  30. 其市场战略主要有:重点发展自主软件产品,解析成本费用构成,调整软件外包业务发展策略,采用自我滚动和兼并收购相结合的业务拓展方式加快规模增长等。

    The business strategy : focus on the development of independent software products , the analytical cost structure , adjust the software outsourcing business development strategy , the self-rolling and mergers and acquisitions , the combination of business development to accelerate the scale of growth .