
  • 网络costing account
  1. 第三章阐述高校教育成本核算成本项目和会计科目的设置。

    Chapter three explains the establishment of university 's educational cost accounting cost project and accounting items .

  2. 成本核算和成本分析方法的应用

    The application of cost accounting and analytical method

  3. 浅析教育成本核算的成本项目设置

    On Cost Item Setup in Educational Cost Assessment

  4. 文中对教育成本核算的成本项目设置进行探讨,旨在为建立高校(高职)教育成本核算制度提供理论基础。

    This paper discusses and analyzes the cost item setup of educational cost assessment and thus lays a theoretical foundation for it .

  5. 构建了由成本核算和成本控制相结合的成本管理体系,并对其具体核算控制方法举例进行说明。

    Establish cost management system which is combined by cost calculate system and cost control system , give an example to show this system .

  6. 而远程教育过程的经济学研究则主要关注远程教育课程开发与发送、多种媒体教学以及各类学习支助服务中的投入产出、成本核算和成本分析。

    The latter focuses on the input and output , cost calculation and cost analysis for the exploration and sending of distant education courses , multi-media teaching and various service .

  7. 已有的研究成果主要集中在对广播电视大学成本核算和成本分析,及其同传统教育的经济学特征的比较研究上。

    So far the major achievements are mainly about cost accounting and cost analysis of R & TVU and about the comparison between economic features of open university and traditional education .

  8. 由于成本核算为成本控制及时、准确地提供有用的成本信息;而成本控制则利用成本信息,结合经济、组织、技术方法对企业成本水平加以控制。

    The useful cost information is timely and accurately provided to the cost-control by costing , the level of enterprises ' costs is controlled through the integration of economic , organizational , technical means .

  9. 紧紧围绕成本核算、成本预测、成本决策、成本计划、成本差异分析等5大功能模块,对实现一个完整意义上的成本管理系统进行了初步探讨。

    Tight and tight around the Cost Check , Cost Estimate , Cost Decision , Cost Plan , Cost Difference Analysis etc. five greatest function modules , made some first step study of putting a complete Cost Management System into practice .

  10. 定单ABC成本核算法&成本核算体系的再造

    ABC Method in ' Order ' Concept & the Rebuilding of Cost-accounting System

  11. 本文从成本核算对象、成本核算要素、成本分配方法以及成本计算办法等层面,探讨了基于作业成本思想的MRPⅡ成本核算方法。

    This article discusses the method of MRP ⅱ costing from the object and the element of costing and the method of cost admeasurement as well as the costing based on activity cost idea .

  12. 房地产业中的成本核算与降低成本的方法

    On methods for costs accounting and reduction in real estate industry

  13. 推行日成本核算制实现成本管理创新

    To Purse Cost Estimating Everyday System ; To Achieve Management Through Costs Creation

  14. 推行标准成本核算加强企业成本管理

    Standard Cost in the Cost Management of Corporation

  15. 成本核算中人力成本的研究探讨

    Discussion on manpower cost in cost accounting

  16. 内部订单管理是成本核算以及作业成本核算的最详细的层次。

    Internal order management is the most detailed operational level of cost and activity accounting .

  17. 在施工准备阶段:应强化成本核算、细化成本指标,树立正确的承包思想;

    In construction preparatory stage : Should strengthen the cost accounting , the low cost target , establishes the correct contract ideology ;

  18. 远洋集箱运输企业成本核算使产品成本的归属性大大的提高,提高了产品成本计算的准确性。

    The open sea collection box transportation enterprise cost accounting causes the product cost the ownership big enhancement , enhanced the product cost computation accuracy .

  19. 最后,说明了作业成本核算与作业成本管理的关系,探讨了第三方物流企业作业成本核算与管理的发展趋势。

    Finally , to illustrate the relationship between activity cost calculation and activity cost management , and discuss the development trend of activity cost calculation and management in 3PLs .

  20. 第二章介绍了成本核算对象、成本项目以及进行单船分货种分操作过程的成本核算办法。

    In chapter 2 , the author discusses the objects of cost accounting , the cost items and the way of cost accounting for respective vessel in different operation process and cargo .

  21. 要更好的经营就必须对自己医院状况及可用资源有良好的认识与调配依据,这就需要医院实行成本核算,使成本核算成为医院发展的一面镜子。

    To better management of oneself hospital and available resources have good understanding and allocate basis , it will need to hospital executes cost accounting , cost accounting become development of hospital mirror .

  22. 然而,采用这种方法进行成本核算所需成本巨大,核算过程复杂,目前我国大部分企业仍然采用传统成本法进行成本核算。

    However , it takes much money to account costs and the accounting process is complex . At present , most of enterprises still use the traditional cost method for cost accounting in China .

  23. 在分析了高校教育成本核算对象、成本核算范围及成本项目、成本核算方法等问题之后本文归纳了高校教育成本核算的一般程序。

    After analysing the calculating object of university educational cost , the range of cost calculating and cost projects and other issues like methods for calculating , this article sums up the general procedure of educational cost calculation .

  24. 时间驱动作业成本核算是作业成本核算的发展延伸,它适应于制造行业的个性化管理,提高了制造企业成本信息的准确性,更能反映错综复杂的实际情况,促使制造企业开展盈利能力分析和预算管理。

    The Time-driven job costing , it was adapted to the personalized management of the manufacturing industry , to improve the accuracy of the cost of manufacturing enterprises , and promote manufacturing enterprises to carry out profitability analysis and budget management .

  25. 企业成本核算效果和成本管理水平作为影响会计信息质量的关键因素,一定程度上决定着出口企业应对反倾销的成败。

    The success or failure of export enterprises ' countering antidumping depends on its institutional mechanism for rapid response and support of accounting information , but the quality of accounting information is determined by the impact of cost accounting and the cost management level .

  26. 成本核算是加强印刷成本管理的重要环节。

    Cost calculation is an important factor on strengthening cost management ;

  27. 以时间驱动作业成本法核算病人护理成本方法探索

    Application of time-based ABC approach in patients ' nursing cost accounting

  28. 在医院成本核算中引入作业成本法

    An introduction to operation cost method in accounting hospital cost

  29. 成本核算是强化企业成本管理的一项重要手段。

    Cost accounting is an important method for strengthening enterprise cost management .

  30. 成本核算是施工项目成本管理的核心

    Cost Accounting Is The Core Of Construction Project Cost Management