
  1. 在已有的战略成本管理理论的基础上,实现战略成本管理在H省电力公司的应用研究。

    Application research on electric power of H province is achieved on the base of strategy cost management .

  2. 本论文对ERP理论和作业成本管理理论的形成与原理进行了阐释,并介绍了这两种理论目前的研究水平和实践情况。

    This paper explains the development and theory of ERP and ABCM , including the actual research and practice level of them .

  3. 战略成本管理理论在XYZ集团公司中的运用研究

    Research about the Use of Strategic Cost Management Theory in XYZ Corporation

  4. 以成本管理理论为起点,结合分析ERP系统基本原理与成本管理功能,本文对以下问题进行深入研究:(1)ERP是否影响成本管理理论与方法;

    Starting with the theory of cost management and the fundamental of ERP , the study involves questions as follows : · if and how ERP affects the theory and methods of cost management .

  5. 第(1)项可成为成本管理理论创新的依据,第(2)项为ERP供应商开发ABC/ABM系统提供一种开发策略。

    The first conclusion can be a basis of innovation of cost management theory , and the second conclusion can benefit for developing ABC / ABM system of ERP .

  6. 为解决这些问题,根据成本管理理论,设计符合Z公司的项目成本流程控制体系。

    To solve the problems , according to cost control theory , the system of controlling project cost procedure is designed for Company Z.The structure of thesis is from overall to subsection and total .

  7. 项目成本管理理论在EPC总承包工程项中的应用与实践成为各大工程公司在项目管理领域中的难点。

    Notably in the theory of the total project cost management contracts of the application and practice of a major engineering company in the field of project management difficult .

  8. 接着在EPC项目成本管理理论、激励理论及招投标理论等知识的指导下,深入剖析了D公司EPC项目成本问题的原因。

    Then , it analyzes and reveals the causes for the cost management problems of D Company with cost management theory , incentive theory and tendering / bidding theory as guidance .

  9. 针对这个问题,本论文提出了借鉴ERP的成本管理理论,将成本管理模块集成到MES系统架构之中,实施车间级的成本管理的思想。

    Direct against this question , this dissertation has consulted the cost management theory from ERP , and integrate the cost management function among the systematic framework of MES , implement the workshop cost management system .

  10. 第二,对战略成本管理理论、CDM情况进行概述,并介绍战略成本管理与CDM之间的联系,为下文做好理论铺垫。

    Second , Overview of strategy cost management theory , CDM , and describes the link between strategic cost management and the CDM , theory for the below in mind .

  11. 在此背景下,工程公司为获取持续竞争优势,纷纷引进和吸收先进的项目成本管理理论和方法,作为EPC工程总承包项目管理的重要手段。

    Against this background , engineering companies to obtain continuing competitive advantage , successively introduce and absorb advanced project cost management theory and methods , EPC works as an important means of the total project management contract .

  12. 第二章明确TCO的定义,并分析国际上投资项目成本管理理论的发展与现状以及TCO在通信运营企业中应用情况和研究重点,提出本文的创新点。

    The second chapter defines the concept of the TCO , discusses the development of the investment projects management theories internationally and the application of TCO in the telecom operators .

  13. 从成本管理理论出发,结合对云南省两家制造企业产品成本管理方面的实地调研,阐述了基于BOM的产品成本计算系统的理论依据和现实依据。

    2 , Proceeds from management theory of the cost , combining the investigation and research on the spot of the cost management of two manufacturing companies of Yunnan Province , explains the theoretical foundation and practical basis of products cost computing system based on BOM .

  14. 通过对CTS公司的现状、发展前景及内外部竞争环境的分析,结合国内外先进的成本管理理论的方法,提出CTS公司应选择目标成本控制对策。

    Through the analysis of the present status , development foreground and internal and external competitive environment in CTS , and combining the methods of domestic and international advanced cost management theories , this thesis brings forward that CTS should choose Target Cost Control Countermeasure .

  15. 供应链成本管理理论基础和方法研究

    Theoretical Foundations & Methods Study of Cost Management in Supply Chains

  16. 质量成本管理理论和实务中的问题分析

    Analysis of Problems in Theory and Practice of Quality Cost Management

  17. 国内外成本管理理论研究现状的比较。

    The research actuality compare about cost management in home and overseas .

  18. 施工企业施工项目成本管理理论与方法研究

    Theory and Method of the project Cost Management in the Construction Enterprise

  19. 集成化供应链成本管理理论与方法研究

    A Study on Theory and Method of Integration Supply Chain Cost Management

  20. 作业成本管理理论与应用研究

    The Research on Theory and Application of Activity Based Management

  21. 成本管理理论新进展及其对企业绩效评价的影响

    The New Progress of Cost Management Theory and Its Influence on Enterprise Performance Evaluation

  22. 浅议煤炭企业内部管理之成本管理理论

    The Theory of Cost Management in Coal Enterprise

  23. 在对方法体系的研究过程中,主要应用了理论分析的研究方法,在立足于对已有研究成果的归纳与总结的基础上,着眼于新的成本管理理论的建立。

    In the study of methods system , main study approach used is theory analysis .

  24. 阐述了本论文研究的背景、研究的目的、意义等。第二章价值链理论与企业成本管理理论。对本文的相关理论基础进行简要的描述,包括价值链理论,作业成本理论等。

    Chapter Two expounds on the background of value chain theory and Activity Based Costing .

  25. 油气输送钢管制造企业质量成本管理理论与应用

    The Study and Application of Quality Cost in Manufacturing Enterprises of Oil-Gas Transmission Steel Pipes

  26. 本文在总结成本管理理论和方法的基础上,结合国内外成本管理研究和应用实际情况,对成本管理进行研究分析。

    The cost management study is based on domestic and international research and cost management practice .

  27. 论文接着对供应链成本管理理论进行概述,阐述其核心思想。

    Paper went on to the supply chain cost management an overview of the theory to explain its core idea .

  28. 随后国际全面造价管理促进协会对工程项目使用的全面成本管理理论体系给出了官方详细定义。

    Then , AACE-I given official detailed definition of Total cost management theory system that was use for engineering projects .

  29. 战略成本管理理论的形成与发展为现代企业提供了全方位、多角度的开放性成本管理模式。

    The formation and development of strategic cost management theory provides all-round , multi-angle openness cost management mode for modern enterprises .

  30. 基于现代成本管理理论的中小型制造国企现状分析及发展策略

    Actuality analysis and development policy of the state-owned small and medium manufacturing enterprises based on the theory of modern cost management