
  • 网络Storage cost;carrying costs;Holding cost
  1. 将天然气液化有利于天然气的运输、有利于边远天然气的回收并能降低天然气的储存成本。

    Liquified natural gas is favorable for transportation and recovery of the natural gas in remote area , as well as for reducing gas storage cost .

  2. 但是,在实际应用中,由于物资储存成本的确定比较困难,以及企业的生产经营情况和市场形势复杂多变,导致效果不明显。

    However , in practical application , the effect for the above method is not evident resulting from difficulty to determine the storage cost as well as complexity and variety of production & operation condition of the enterprise and market situation .

  3. 额外的搬运和储存成本也可以省掉。

    Additional costs for handling and storage can also be eliminated .

  4. 要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  5. 一个是订单处理成本,另一个是储存成本。

    One is order-processing costs and warehousing costs .

  6. 最佳武器包装储存成本模型

    A Model of Optimum Storage of Weapon Packaging

  7. 储存成本过大;

    Storing cost is high ;

  8. 但是文献只涉及订货成本、储存成本,并没有考虑运输成本。

    But the thesis only involves inventory carrying cost and order setup cost , not includes transportation cost .

  9. 在多数情况下,储存成本可以区分为固定成本和变动成本两部分。

    Under most situations , reserve cost can be divided into two parts , including the fixed cost and variable cost .

  10. 随着记录储存成本和出现法律诉讼时查找记录的成本不断增加,要求我们必须严格执行记录保存方针。

    Adherence to the record retention policy is dictated by the increasing costs of storage and the cost of discovery when litigation arises .

  11. 考虑到媒体资源占用存储空间大,系统采用分级存储技术,以降低数据储存成本。

    As a result , we use hierarchical storage model to off-load the less popular objects to tertiary storage in order to keep costs down .

  12. 成品每半年装运一次,全部运费将由你方负担。要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Shipment of the products is to be effected once half a year . All the shipping expenses will be for your account . Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  13. 产品生命周期的缩短以及客户个性化要求的不断提高,需求不确定性日趋显著,对需求的预测也越来越困难,以及运输和储存成本的增加,这些都成为供应链各个节点面临的一个共同难题。

    The shortened product life cycle , the increasing personalized customer requirements , the increasing uncertainty of demand , the increasingly difficult of forecasting demand and the increase of transportation and storage costs , these are problems for everyone in the supply chain .

  14. 但这仍然无法解决一个难题,即黄金没有内在价值、储存需要成本,因此作为一种对冲资产的价值存疑。

    Yet there remains the difficulty that gold has no intrinsic worth and costs money to store , so its merits as a hedge are questionable .

  15. 薄型单组分防火涂料与双组分相比具有制备简单、施工方便、易于储存、成本低等优点。

    The principal advantages of this one pack retardant coating over the both pack are its simple preparation , convenience in use and storage , and low cost .

  16. 煤电厂的碳捕捉和储存技术在成本和规模上还不成气候。

    Carbon-capture-and-storage technology for coal-fired power plants does not yet work at the scale and cost required .

  17. 结论:变链菌的初始粘附能力强于远缘链球菌;结果显示:该胶具有初粘性强,良好的低温储存稳定性及成本低廉等优点。

    The result showed that this adhesive has advantage of high initial adhesive strength 、 good low temperature storage stability and low cost .

  18. 直接将天然气储存于地下的成本低于以液化天然气形式的储备;

    Underground storage in the state of natural gas will be cheap than that of LNG ;

  19. 所以,通过合理地组织运输与配送以及合理的进行储存来降低物流成本是现代物流研究的主要内容。

    So reducing logistics cost through organizing transportation , delivery and storage reasonably is the main content of modern logistics study .

  20. 含量较高的羧酸使生物油具有腐蚀性高和燃油性能差等特点,增加储存和运输的成本,限制了生物油的应用。

    The high contents of carboxylic acid will cause high corrosive and bad fuel oil performance of bio-oil ; increase the cost of storage and transportation ; limit the application of bio-oil .

  21. 第四章从第三方的主要职能和作业内容出发,按顾客服务、运输服务、储存服务和物流成本四部分列出第三方物流活动的绩效评价指标。

    In the fourth chapter , the detailed index for evaluating TPL ' activities was listed on the basis of main function and work content and described in four parts : custom service , transition service , inventory service and logistics cost .

  22. 实际应用情况表明:上述方法可有效抑制蓄电池的自放电,使无故障铅酸蓄电池湿储存6个月内无须维护,而且实施方便,储存成本低。

    Results from practical application show that , the above mentioned methods can restrain effectively self discharge and the lead acid battery can be stored for six months without maintenance . It is also simple and low storage cost .

  23. 其中煤层储存可有效地减少CO2排放量,同时增加煤层气可开采量,降低CO2地下储存的成本。

    CO2 storage in coalbeds can effectively reduce the emission of CO2 , and at the same time , it can enhance the recovery of coalbed methane to reduce the cost of CO2 geological storage .