
  • debit card;deposit card;cash card
  1. 银行在信用卡业务上吸引新客户的投资与宣传显然比储蓄卡业务上比例更重。

    Banks to attract new customers in the credit card business investment and publicity is clearly heavier than the debit card business scale .

  2. 基于储蓄卡与信用卡的不同,笔者将使用两种不同性质的卡分开讨论,从存款的性质、行为人使用卡片的方式以及行为人使用卡片后产生的不同的法律关系得出不同的结论。

    Based on cash card and credit card is different , the author will discuss using two cards separately with different properties , from the nature of the deposits , the way to use the card and produce different legal relationship can work out different conclusions .

  3. IP、IQ卡,通通告诉我密码。(翻译出来的奖励朕中行储蓄卡密码)

    IC card , IP card and IQ card , please tell me their password .

  4. 那我办储蓄卡。

    Oh , I 'll set up the account with the card .

  5. 能存钱,不是一般的储蓄卡!

    Can put money , not be average deposit check !

  6. 人生是一张储蓄卡,你往里面存的越多,你的回报也就越多。

    Life is like a savings deposit card-the more you put in , the more you get back .

  7. 本文所称涉卡犯罪包括信用卡犯罪和使用信用卡、储蓄卡犯罪。

    Card-related crimes include credit card crimes and crimes which concern the use of credit cards and savings cards .

  8. 顾客在手机上刷自己的储蓄卡,并将存款交给代理人,由后者收下保管。

    Customers swipe their savings card on the phone and hand their deposit to the agent who pockets the money .

  9. 可制作信用卡、证券卡、会员卡、查询卡、储蓄卡、地铁卡、电话卡、门票等。

    It can be made for credit cards , security cards , membership cards , inquiry cards , deposit cards , subway cards and so on .

  10. 卡在瑞典仍然是主要交易工具——在2013年有近24亿信用卡和储蓄卡交易,15年前只有2.13亿。

    Cards are still king in Sweden - with nearly 2.4 billion credit and debit transactions in 2013 , compared with 213 million 15 years earlier .

  11. 父母可以为子女办一张储蓄卡,此卡为不能透支卡,办理手续简便,一般不收年费。

    Parents can do a piece of deposit to get stuck for children , this calorie gets stuck to cannot overdraw , conduction procedure is simple , do not collect year of fee commonly .

  12. 主题包括多方面工作预算衡量购物究竟是需要或想要银行事务支票储蓄信用卡信用报告驾驶及手机等等。

    It covers many topics , including working , budgeting , figuring out if a purchase is a need or a want , banking , writing checks , savings , credit cards , credit reports , driving and cell phones .

  13. 从网点规划到ATM机投放和自助银行网点的布局,从传统储蓄业务到信用卡业务,从电子银行到理财计划,商业银行投入大量资源,以便在激烈市场竞争中站稳脚跟并取得发展。

    The business from savings to credit card business , from electronic banking to financial planning , from network planning to launch ATM machines , commercial banks have put a lot of resources to the fierce market competition foothold .

  14. 自动取款机也被用来处理储蓄存款和信用卡业务。

    ATM ( Automatic Machine ) is also applied to handle savings and credit cards .

  15. 个人客户持现金或活期储蓄存折、齐鲁卡申请签发银行汇票可以到我行任何一家分支机构办理。

    Individual client can apply for the bank draft in any branch of our bank with cash or passbook of current deposit and Qilu card .

  16. 争论的关键是美国人对房产的处理方式&是当作养老储蓄还是当作现金卡。

    Will Americans slow their spending gradually or suddenly , and by a little or a lot ? At issue is whether people treat their housing wealth like a nest egg or like a cash card .