
  • 网络deposit
  1. •传统银行(由存款业务,消费、企业和按揭贷款业务构成)

    • traditional banking ( consisting of deposits and consumer , corporate , and mortgage lending )

  2. 银行存款业务所产生的法律风险具有隐蔽性,从分析银行存款业务所涉及的法律风险的分类入手,分析防范银行存款法律风险的措施。

    Bank deposits with the legal risks arising from concealment , analyzing legal risk prevention measures for bank deposits .

  3. 幸运的是,这家与员工有工作联系的银行拥有能用于实现这种存款业务的Web服务。

    Fortunately , the bank that the staff works with has a web service that can be used to make such a deposit .

  4. 两三年前,美国总统奥巴马(Obama)邀请他加入他的金融改革团队后,沃尔克发起了一场改革,将银行自营交易业务与存款业务分离。

    A couple of years ago , President Obama invited him into his financial reform team , where he launched a crusade to split up banks ' proprietary trading businesses from deposit taking .

  5. 我们提供几种特别存款业务,您要哪一种?

    We offer several special deposit services . What do you like ?

  6. 远程存款业务安全、方便、快捷。

    Remote Deposit is safe , convenient and swift .

  7. 存单是受理存款业务的银行或其他金融机构发给存款人的存款凭证。

    The deposit receipt is the certificate that the bank has received the deposit .

  8. 浅析存款业务创新

    A Brief Discussion on Deposit Business Innovation

  9. 特别是如果你办理的是直接存款业务的话,大多数银行都会提供好几种类型的免费储蓄。

    Particularly if you have direct deposit , most banks offer some type of free checking .

  10. 经理不在的时候,由某先生管理业务。无存款业务的银行经理处

    In the absence of the Manger Mr x is in charge of the business . non-depository agency

  11. 它是指集团总公司一级账户的存款业务。

    B : It refers to the deposit business offered to the level-one account of group companies .

  12. 化学零售银行的竞争,其传统的零售存款业务已经变得非常艰难。

    For Chemical Retail Bank , competition in its traditional retail deposit business had become very tough .

  13. 相比之下,由于存款业务较强,中国大型银行相对而言受到的冲击较小。

    By comparison , the bigger banks in China are relatively sheltered , owing to their stronger deposit franchises .

  14. 存款业务成为信贷危机中少数几个亮点之一,这在很大程度上要归功于政府机制。

    Thanks in large part to government programs that insure them , deposits have been a rare bright spot during the credit crunch .

  15. 通过对存款业务、信贷业务、中间业务和费用的指标和权重设计,建立和完善客户经理的激励约束机制;

    By the designing of the index and authority of the deposit , credit , intermediate business and expenditure , set up and perfect inspiriting and restricting system .

  16. 商业银行作为经营公众存款业务的机构,其业务与国民经济和人民生活直接相关,且与其相关联的法律关系更为复杂。

    Commercial banks as enterprises of public deposit , Their business relate with national economic and daily lives of human , therefore the legal relationship with commercial banks are more complicated than normal enterprises .

  17. 此外,商业银行不仅开展与居民切身利益相关的存款业务,还大量涉足企业、房地产开发、个人购房、政府等组织和个人的贷款业务。

    In addition , the commercial Banks in not only with the residents of immediate interest deposits , also involved in a large enterprise , real estate development , individual buys a house and the government organizations and individual loan business .

  18. 中行发言人周三表示,自2010年初开始,该行便在29个国家的几乎所有海外支行向个人银行客户提供人民币兑换与存款业务。

    The BOC spokesperson said Wednesday the bank now offers Rmb exchange and deposit services for personal banking customers at basically all of its international branches in the 29 countries where it operates and has been doing so since early 2010 .

  19. 第八十一条支票是出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。

    Article81a cheque is a negotiable instrument that is signed and issued by the drawer , who authorizes the bank or other financial institution handling check deposit to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payer or the bearer at sight .

  20. 与此同时,为了维护广西金融业原有特权,新桂系控制下的广西银行加强了存款业务,并在汇兑业务、信托业务上与中央金融业展开竞争,夺得了部分权利。

    In the meantime , in order to protect the previous privileges enjoyed by the Guangxi financial system , the Guangxi banks strengthened their deposit business and competed with the central banking system in remitting and trusting business , partially gaining some rights .

  21. 在一定的资本集中的基础上,以工商实业为保障,吸收社会闲散资金,充裕企业流动资金,降低信贷成本,是中国近代企业举办储蓄存款业务的主要目的。

    The main purposes for the China neoteric companies to deposit are , on the basis of capital accumulating with the guarantee of industry and commerce , to absorb the idle capital of the society , collect abundant circulating capital for the companies , and reduce the cost of credit .

  22. 美国选择限制银行从事自营交易的能力(《沃尔克(Volcker)规则》),英国则将吸收存款与交易业务完全分离,而其它一些国家的银行体系毫无变动。

    The US has chosen to limit banks ' ability to engage in proprietary trading ( the Volcker rule ), the UK is separating deposit taking from trading altogether and some other countries have left their systems unchanged .

  23. 目前蒙古国的多家银行都有人民币存款和电汇业务。

    Many banks of Mongolia have the RMB deposit and telegraphic transfer operations today .

  24. 商业银行–提供各种服务的金融机构,包括存款和贷款业务。

    Commercial bank-A financial institution that offers a variety of services , including savings and loans .

  25. 对比近三年的存款、贷款业务的增幅,长沙县农村信用合作社的不良贷款比率总体上呈下降趋势,但仍然占较高比例。

    Contrast of nearly 3 years of deposits , loans business growth of rural credit cooperatives , changsha of non-performing loan ratio overall declined , but still holds a higher proportion .

  26. 储蓄存款通存通兑业务是指客户只要开立储蓄存款账户,便可以持借记卡或存折在全国各地的银行网点办理存取款的一种银行服务形式。

    Automatic banking of savings deposits is a method of banking service that a client having a deposit account will make deposits or withdrawals against a debit card or the passbook in any banking outlets all over the country .

  27. 自动取款机也被用来处理储蓄存款和信用卡业务。

    ATM ( Automatic Machine ) is also applied to handle savings and credit cards .

  28. 大规模、国有性质和较高的费用率会降低银行的效率;充足的资本、较多的人均存款余额和中间业务收入能够促进银行效率的提高。

    Large-scale , nationalized properties and higher expense ratio will reduce the efficiency of the bank .

  29. 本外币活期、定期存款等储蓄存款业务已实现全国通存通兑。

    Nationwide different-areas automatic banking of local and foreign currency current and time deposits has been realized .

  30. 比如存款、取款等业务经过电子记录后再存入电脑存储器。

    Such as deposits and withdrawals , are recorded electronically and then stored in a computer 's memory .