
  • 网络Deposit Risk
  1. 如何防范保证金存款风险

    Ways to Prevent Mortgage Deposit Risk

  2. 存款风险的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of the Risks of Deposit Account

  3. 国会通过该法案是为了减少象1929年股市崩溃那样而造成的存款风险。

    Congress passed the law to reduce risk to deposits following the stock market crash of1929 .

  4. 让公众改变对银行存款风险的认识,金融体系的另一个巨大部分或许也会受到影响,即影子融资,或表外融资。

    Changing public perceptions about the risk of bank deposits could have implications for another huge part of the system : shadow financing , or off-balance-sheet fund-raising .

  5. 并且指出,地方公债是一种明确的收益率高于银行存款而风险低于股票、公司债券的优质投资品,更易于为广大民众所接受。

    And pointed out that local bonds is a clear higher yields than bank deposits and less risky than stocks , corporate bonds , high-quality investment products , and easier for the general public to accept .

  6. 在商业银行对吸收存款的风险厌恶程度提高、对融资成本上升的敏感性下降的情况下,商业银行能够通过发行小微企业金融债实现净收益最大化。

    In the commercial bank deposits of risk aversion increases , SMEs ' loans to the rising cost of revenue decreased sensitivity of the situation , commercial banks can maximize net gains realized through the issuance of SMEs ' financial bonds .

  7. 他想阻止银行使用政府担保存款来做风险性投资。

    He wants to prevent banks from using government-insured deposits to make risky investments .

  8. 高息外币投资存款涉及外汇风险,可能带来利润或损失。

    Convertible deposits are subject to currency exchange risk and may result in gains or losses .

  9. 大多数情况下,这些债券的规模要大于银行持有的国内公司贷款,因为它们吸收的存款来自规避风险的家庭。

    In most cases , those holdings are larger than the banks ' domestic corporate loan books , as deposits from risk-averse households come into their coffers .

  10. 中国银行业应确定合理的资本价格,明确存款人的风险承担主体,加强对外资入股行为的监管。

    Chinese banking should establish reasonable capital price , define the risk bearer of the depositors , and strengthening the supervision of the behavior of the foreign investing activities .

  11. 投资者该如何正确识别商业银行结构性存款的投资风险,从种类繁多的产品中选择?商业银行如何对结构性产品进行风险管理?了解结构性理财产品的设计和风险是本研究的主要动机。

    How the Investors correctly identify the investment risks of structured deposits , from a wide variety of products to choose ? And how the Commercial Banks manage the risk of the structured products ?

  12. 但政府隐性担保的存在使次级债券找到了一条类似银行存款一样的风险转嫁渠道,弱化了其风险约束功能。

    But the existence of government 's recessive guarantee makes the subordinated debt like the deposit that has a channel to shift away the risk and then belittles its market discipline on the commercial banks .

  13. 研究发现,股票的高风险高收益性和活期存款的高风险低收益性使得多元化投资显得愈加重要,而按账户价值调整的动态阈值资产配置方案是最适合我国市场的资产配置方案。

    It is noticed that stock is high return , high risk asset while CD is low return , high risk asset , which makes diversified portfolio essential . A dynamic threshold asset allocation strategy is recommended on the Chinese market .

  14. 同时应完善我国相关法律制度,如:信息披露制度、资本结构监管制度、金融机构退市法律制度等,创造良好的法律环境有效防范存款保险道德风险。

    Then improving our related legal systems , such as : the disclosure of information system , monitoring system capital structure , financial institutions desisting legal system and so on . We must create a good legal environment for effective prevention of deposit insurance moral hazard .

  15. 英镑存款利率(无风险利率的指标)为5%。

    Sterling deposit rates , a measure of risk free rates , were 5 per cent .

  16. 依法规制存款保险的道德风险。

    Stipulate moral risk .

  17. 资本金是商业银行经营活动的基础,发挥着存款保护功能、风险管理和防御功能、业务经营功能和业绩考核功能。

    Capital is the basis of commercial banking operations , and plays deposit protection , risk management and defense , business operation and performance assessment functions .

  18. 中央银行加强对民间金融的监管约束,加快推进利率市场化改革,构建民间金融的存款保险制度和风险预警机制;

    Central bank should bring the private finance into the intendance system , push the reform of interest rate marketability , establish the deposit insurance system and the risk-warning mechanism .

  19. 最新草案呼吁成员国交出银行监管权、放弃对本国财政预算的部分控制权、分担为银行存款进行担保的风险以及发债风险。

    The latest draft calls for Member States to surrender powers to run their banks , give up some control over national budgets and pool the risk of underwriting deposits and raising debt .

  20. 提出在国有银行上市后的中国金融新环境下,如何进行金融改革,规避存款保险制度的风险,保障中国公众储蓄安全。

    How China who suggests that after state banks is listed carries out a financial reform under new environment of finance , evades bank deposit being sure that the system risk , guarantee Chinese public deposit safety .

  21. 该团队打算基于传统银行业经营方式建立其业务,即通过吸收存款而不是依赖风险更高的融资手段为其贷款提供资金,同时将维持保守的资产负债状况。

    The Group intends to set up a business based around traditional banking methods , drawing in deposits to cover its lending , rather than relying on more risky funding methods , and maintaining a conservative balance sheet .

  22. 在此基础上,本文从“系统边界”及“曲线效率边界”这两个视角,对养老基金的存款资产为控制风险而向股市扩展投资的问题,进行了定性及定量分析。

    On this basis , the paper makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the extended investment of the savings assets of pension funds in the stock market to control risks from the " curve efficient frontier " and " system frontier " perspectives .

  23. 银行存款业务所产生的法律风险具有隐蔽性,从分析银行存款业务所涉及的法律风险的分类入手,分析防范银行存款法律风险的措施。

    Bank deposits with the legal risks arising from concealment , analyzing legal risk prevention measures for bank deposits .

  24. 实践中看,监管不力的存款保险制度可能引发存款机构的道德风险,设计不佳的费率制度会导致逆向选择,不明确的制度目标又将激发存款保险机构本身的代理问题。

    Practically , Deposit insurance , without strict supervision will cause severe moral hazard . Badly-designed schemes are always accompanied with adverse selection .

  25. 银行作为一个市场主体同样要遵循市场的经济规律,存款人也同样要承担存款带来的风险。

    The main bank as a market also should follow the rules of market economy , and the depositor also should take the risk by their deposit .

  26. 根据保险计划,存款保险的承保人须承担为受保存款提供保险的风险及费用。

    Under the scheme , the deposit insurer would bear the risks and costs of insuring the deposits covered by the scheme .

  27. 通过分析比较中美商业银行在存款账户的开立和使用、存款账户的收费、防范存款风险等方面的差异。

    Through analyzing differences in opening accounts , charges , and risk precaution in managing deposit account in Chinese and American of commercial banks , and drawing advantages from managing commercial bank account in the U. S. A.

  28. 主要论述了存款保险制度的主要功能、挤兑问题理论、存款保险的道德风险与逆向选择、存款保险制度的合理性问题及存款保险制度的理论模式。

    It mainly discusses the main function of deposit insurance system . deposit run theory . moral hazard and adverse selection .

  29. 对建立存款保险制度的冷思考&基于银行间动态博弈和存款人风险态度的分析

    A Cool Thinking about the Establishment of a Deposit Insurance System & Based on the Analysis between Dynamic Game Inter-bank and the Risk Attitude of Depositors

  30. 风险预警机制替代市场监控能较好地解决存款保险制度无法解决的信息不对称问题,为存款保险降低道德风险创造条件。

    Substituting the early warning system of risk for market monitor and control could solve the problem that is not symmetry , which the system of deposit insurance can not solve and create the terms for reducing moral risk .