
cún chǔ ɡuò chénɡ
  • store procedure
  1. 用存储过程实现ASP对Web数据库的访问

    Make use of store procedure to realize the Web database visit in ASP

  2. 基于XML的存储过程调用

    Calling Store Procedure Based on XML

  3. 一般来说,“SPECIFIC”名称匹配存储过程名。

    Generally the " SPECIFIC " name matches the stored procedure name .

  4. 有返回值SqlServer存储过程的一个调用方法

    A Calling Method of SQL Server Stored Procedure with Returned Value

  5. DYNAMICRESULTSETS:这决定存储过程是否返回一个结果集。

    DYNAMIC RESULT SETS : This determines if the stored procedure will return a result set or not .

  6. 调用存储过程实现SqlServer数据库用户的管理

    Call on Storage Process to Administrate SQL Server Database User

  7. 基于SqlServer存储过程组卷算法设计

    Design of test paper generating algorithm based on SQL Server stored procedure

  8. 在本文中,我们有时将Java存储过程称为例程。

    Throughout this article we sometimes refer to Java stored procedures as routines .

  9. SPECIFIC:这在DB2编目中惟一地标识存储过程名。

    SPECIFIC : This uniquely identifies the stored procedure name in the DB2 catalogs .

  10. 在SqlServer中利用扩展存储过程发送电子邮件

    Sending E-mail by Extended Storage Procedure in SQL Server

  11. 在这个例子中,检查Java存储过程代码来找出问题。

    In this example , check the Java stored procedure code to find the problem .

  12. 在EmployeeInformationRetrieval场景中,存储过程检索了各种表中的员工信息。

    In the Employee Information Retrieval scenario , employee information from various tables is retrieved by the stored procedure .

  13. 为每个存储过程和每个DB2代理确定日志语句。

    Identify logging statements for each stored procedure and each DB2 agent .

  14. 与其他任何应用程序一样,存储过程需要一个Connectioncontext。

    A stored procedure , like any other application , needs to work off of a Connection context .

  15. 这一需求可被扩展来支持在XML数据上操作的存储过程的开发。

    This need can be extended to supporting the development of stored procedures to operate on XML data .

  16. Comment:通常包含存储过程描述的字符串。

    Comment : A string that typically contains a description of the stored procedure .

  17. SqlServer存储过程参数的指定

    SQL Server Stored Procedure Parameters Specified

  18. DB2V8.2.2还增强了getdbconfig存储过程的输出。

    DB2 V8.2.2 also enhances the output of the get_db_config stored procedure .

  19. SqlServer存储过程在Delphi开发环境下的应用

    Application of SQL Server Stored Procedure in Delphi

  20. SqlServer2000中几个系统存储过程的应用

    Application of Several Storage Procedures of SQL Server 2000 System

  21. 在下列例子中,我们面临着调用名为OUTLANGUAGE的存储过程的挑战,该存储过程返回一个名为OUTLANGUAGE的OUT参数。

    In the following example , we were faced with the challenge of calling a stored procedure named OUT_LANGUAGE that returns one OUT parameter named OUT_LANGUAGE .

  22. SQL存储过程已经存在了,它们是可重用的资产。

    The SQL stored procedures already exist and are available as reusable assets .

  23. 存储过程会输出之前在解释表中填充的explain实例的关键字段。

    The stored procedures output the key fields for the explain instance that was populated in the explain tables .

  24. Hash和存储过程在分布式数字认证中的应用

    Application in Authentication Proof Based on Hash and the Stored Procedure

  25. 该存储过程必须已经存在在QApply服务器上,并应仅仅写入别名。

    The stored procedure must already exist on the Q Apply server and should only write to nicknames .

  26. 打开一个Windows命令提示,进入COBOL存储过程的samples文件夹。

    Open a Windows command prompt and navigate to the COBOL stored procedure samples folder .

  27. 它提供了向导驱动的编程方法;查询与存储过程开发;以及拖拽功能,这样在创建web服务时不需要编写代码。

    It provides wizard-driven programming approaches ; query and stored procedure development ; and drag-and-drop capabilities , creating web services that do not require coding .

  28. 通过编写SqlServer存储过程和存储过程的嵌套调用,实现了程序的优化,提高了运行效率。

    The procedure was optimized due to programmed SQL Server Stored Procedure . Consequently , the procedure efficiency was improved .

  29. 这种方法的机制是基于用C实现的存储过程。每个API调用被封装在一个专用的过程中。

    The mechanism is based on stored procedures that are implemented in C.Each API call is encapsulated in a dedicated procedure .

  30. SQLPL存储过程很容易创建,它们的性能很好。

    SQL PL stored procedures are easy to create and have good performance .