
  • 网络Local Database;Local DB;LDB
  1. 连接(网络访问)信息存储在System数据库目录、本地数据库目录和节点目录中。

    Connectivity ( network access ) information is stored in the system database directory , local database directory and node directory .

  2. 连接配置是在DataSourceExplorer中从本地数据库连接创建的。

    A connection configuration is created from a local database connection in the Data Source Explorer .

  3. 实验证明该抽取器能够较好实现MMIIF的物化功能,将WEB数据查询转换为本地数据库的查询。

    Experimenting results indicate that this extractor can well achieve materialization , transforming WEB data querying to local querying .

  4. PB应用中自动配置本地数据库的设计方法

    Design Method to Set Local Database Automatically in PB Application

  5. Btcry序列本地数据库的建立及本地BLAST的实现

    Construction of Local Database and Achieving Local BLAST of Bt cry Genes

  6. 然后输入数据库名称,或者从下拉列表中选择一个数据库(如果是本地数据库的话),并单击Next。

    Then he enters the database name or selects one from the drop-down , if it is a local database , and clicks Next .

  7. 数据处理层采用了一个以数据仓库方法为主、虚拟本地数据库方法为辅的基于XML的框架;

    The data process layer adopts a XML based framework which depends on data warehouses principally and virtual local databases accessorily .

  8. 内嵌的本地数据库的同步API

    Synchronous APIs for embedded local database

  9. 在调用实体bean之前,一定要为它们创建一个本地数据库和表。

    Make sure that you create a local database and tables for entity beans before invoking them .

  10. 除了创建服务来封装现有的企业信息系统(EnterpriseInformationSystem,EIS)或本地数据库这个任务以外,还存在大量的挑战。

    There are plenty of challenges here well beyond the task of creating a service that is encapsulating an existing enterprise information system ( EIS ) or a local database .

  11. 逐渐将开发人员移动到SQLRelay连接并远离对本地数据库的个人帐户的依赖。

    Incrementally move developers to an SQL Relay connection and away from reliance on personal accounts with the native database .

  12. 列出本地数据库目录下的数据库,然后尝试连接数据库:DB2LISTDBDIRECTORY、DB2CONNECT

    List the databases in local database directory and try connecting to it : DB2 LIST DB DIRECTORY , DB2 CONNECT

  13. 只能在本地数据库上创建视图或synonym。

    The view or synonym can be created only at the local database .

  14. 如果支持,那么就启用一个Save按钮,用户单击此按钮就可将所有该场所的数据保存到一个本地数据库。

    If it is present , then you enable a Save button that the user can click to save all of this venue data to a local database .

  15. 对于包含内置opaque数据类型列的数据库表,在本地数据库上执行DDL操作,如CREATEVIEW和CREATESYNONYM。

    DDL operations such as CREATE VIEW and CREATE SYNONYM at the local database on cross-database tables having built-in opaque data type columns .

  16. 这些XML文档格式的订单被路由到全局仓库,而客户信息则是维护在一个名为CUSTOMERS的本地数据库表中。

    These orders , in the form of XML documents , are routed to the global warehouse , while customer information is maintained in a local database table called CUSTOMERS .

  17. IBMMashupCenter为个人与组织中的其他人共享存储在文档或本地数据库中的结构化和半结构化的信息提供了便利。

    IBM Mashup Center facilitates individuals to share structured and semi-structured information stored in their documents or local databases , with others in the organization .

  18. 在数据存储层:使用SqlServer2000作为数据库管理系统,定义了本地数据库关键表;

    SQL Server 2000 is as the database management system , and then the definition of some key tables of local database are present ;

  19. 目标CouchDB可以是现有的远程或本地数据库。

    The target CouchDB can be an existing remote or local database .

  20. 支持本地数据库将允许开发完全自包含的DB2数据库和相关应用程序(附带预定义的用户和组列表)。

    Support for a local database would allow the development of DB2 databases and surrounding applications that are entirely self-contained ( ship predefined lists of users and groups ) .

  21. 配置Bugzilla应用程序使用您的本地数据库服务器。

    Configure the Bugzilla application to use your local database server .

  22. 现在您可以了解如何通过扩展插件为本地数据库的Records表提供简单的记录计数器来操作简单的Derby数据库。

    Now you can find out how to manipulate a simple Derby database by extending the plug-in to provide a simple records counter for the Records table of the local database .

  23. 用户映射定义本地数据库(MYSAMPLE)中的授权ID如何映射到远程数据库(SAMPLE)中的授权ID。

    The user mapping defines how the authorization ID at the local database ( MYSAMPLE ) is mapped to an authorization ID at the remote database ( SAMPLE ) .

  24. 在应用程序服务器上几乎不需要进行任何设置,因为它们是从AMI克隆的,AMI能够根据本地数据库运行应用程序。

    There isn 't much to do on the application servers , because the AMI they were cloned from is already capable of running the application against a local database .

  25. 采用SQLServerCE合并复制技术创建、更新本地数据库,并合并到中央数据库,实现对中心服务器数据库的数据访问和移动作业管理。

    The merge replication of SQL Server CE is used to create and update the local database on the client-side , the data access and management of mobile operation for the database of center server was realized .

  26. GoogleMapsAPI的开放,将网络地图与系统服务整合在一起变的容易,而且还能结合本地数据库进行混合式应用开发。

    With the opening of Google Maps API , it has become easier to integrate the network map with the system services , and it can carry on the mixed application development combined with the local database .

  27. Oracle数据库通过提供创建数据库链接的功能,使得本地数据库上的用户可以通过链接登录到远程数据库上使用其数据或者进行其他的操作。

    Database link is one of the central concepts in Oracle distributed database systems . The advantage of using database link is that it allows users to access another user 's objects in a remote database .

  28. 为了填充这个本地数据库,OCA程序通常都会包括一些数据同步能力。

    In order to populate this user 's local database , an OCA will typically include some data synchronization capabilities .

  29. 然后将系统部署至云端,本地数据库迁移至云端的SQLAzure数据库中,真正将港口船舶生产作业信息平台延伸至云端。

    Then the whole system is deployed to the cloud , local database is relocated to SQL Azure database of the cloud . The port production operation platform is formally extended to the cloud .

  30. 对于OCA,当执行诸如数据同步的时候,用户将不能访问本地数据库。

    With most OCAs , users are not able to access their local database while processes like data synchronization are being executed .