
  1. 商标平行进口是指在国际贸易中,进口商未经本国商标所有权人及商标使用权人许可,从境外进口经合法授权生产的带相同商标的同类商品的行为。

    Parallel import of trademark is , in international trade , a practice of importing of the same kind of legal products bearing the same trademark without permission from the owner and user of the same trademark in his own country .

  2. 各国和地区政府都在加大对本国驰名商标的保护力度,利用民事、行政、经济、刑事等各种法律制度对本国驰名商标予以保护。

    Every country and district implement more laws and regulations to protect their own well-known trademarks , such as civil , administrative , economic and criminal laws .

  3. 他补充说,考虑到撤销商标的困难,本案对在华外资企业的教训是很清楚的:及早在中国注册你的商标——最好是在你在本国注册商标的同时。

    Given the difficulties in overturning trademarks , the lesson for foreign businesses is clear , he added : File for your marks in China early - preferably at the same time as you file in your home country .