
  • 网络honda;Honda Motor Company;Honda Motor;HONDA MOTOR CO LTD
  1. 在报道这一任命公告时,《汽车新闻》(AutomotiveNews)杂志也对本田汽车公司的内部管理混乱有所涉及。

    In reporting on the announcement , Automotive News shed some light on the disarray at Honda .

  2. 现在,本田汽车公司已作出一个让人惊讶但又在情理之中的决定:聘请一位前克莱斯勒汽车公司(Chrysler)高管出任市场营销总裁。

    Now Honda has made the surprising but understandable decision to hire a former Chrysler executive as its marketing officer .

  3. TakeoFukui,CEO,本田汽车公司我首先要做的就是加强本田的品牌、本田的文化,这是我们最高层次的使命。

    TAKEO FUKUI , CEO , HONDA MOTOR CO. My first priority is to strengthen Honda brand , Honda culture . That is our most high-level issue .

  4. 本田汽车公司的机器人Asimo被宣称是世界上最先进的机器人,然而在未来馆与观众见面时却犯了错误。

    Honda 's robot , Asimo , claimed to be one of the most advanced robots in the world , however it made some errors in its interactions .

  5. 本田汽车公司也使用这个场地测试无人驾驶汽车技术。

    Honda uses the facility to test automated driving technologies .

  6. 日本本田汽车公司是继美国铝业公司与加拿大铝业公司之后第三个向市场推出全铝轿车的公司。

    Honda Motor 's ' Insight'Model Car is the third all aluminium car in the world automobile market .

  7. 日本本田汽车公司已经推出了第一辆氢燃料箱电池车。

    In Japan , Honda has begun the first commercial production of a hydrogen fuel-cell car , the FCX Clarity .

  8. 记者日本第二大汽车制造商本田汽车公司有了一个新任首席执行官,他一直忙于使世界上最成功的品牌叫得更响。

    CORRESPONDENT Japan 's No. 2 automaker Honda Motor has a new CEO , who already is busy promoting one of the world 's most successful names .

  9. 车制造业巨子本田汽车公司将要报告其连续第三年创利润新高,这得益于海外市场销量的增长。

    Japan 's auto giant , Honda Motor , is said to report its third straight year of record profits helped by surging sales in its overseas markets .

  10. 无论从哪个角度看,2014年都是本田汽车公司宁愿忘却或掩盖的一年,看看本田为2015年提出的宏大口号&本田之年就知道了。

    By more than one measure , 2014 is a year the Honda Motor Co. would prefer to forget or to obscure , reflected in a roundabout way by its grand slogan for 2015 , The Year of Honda .

  11. 无论从哪个角度看,2014年都是本田汽车公司宁愿忘却或掩盖的一年,看看本田为2015年提出的宏大口号——“本田之年”就知道了。

    By more than one measure , 2014 is a year the Honda Motor Co. would prefer to forget or to obscure , reflected in a roundabout way by its grand slogan for 2015 , " The Year of Honda . "

  12. 广汽本田汽车有限公司成立于1998年,目前生产的主要产品有雅阁系列轿车、奥德赛多功能系列轿车、飞度系列轿车和CITY锋范系列轿车共四大系列21种车型。

    Guangzhou Honda motor Co. , LTD. was established in 1998 . The main products it produces at present are totally four series of cars , including brands of Accord , ODYSSEY Multi-function , FIT and CITY . There are twenty-one kinds of car types in all .

  13. 广汽本田汽车有限公司人事经理徐君(音译)评论如下:

    Comment by Xu Jun , HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co Ltd :

  14. 《案例》:广州本田汽车有限公司&未来战略思考

    Guangzhou honda Automobile Co. , Ltd. & Some advice on the Strategies for the future development

  15. 本文论述了21世纪质量管理的重要性及其面临的挑战,提出通过供应链质量管理来保证产品整体质量的新思路,并引用了广州本田汽车有限公司的成功案例论述这一思路的具体实施过程。

    This paper discusses on the importance and challenges of Quality Control in the21st century , pro-poses that QC on chain of supply can be used to guarantee the whole value of product .

  16. 分发给佛山本田汽车零部件制造有限公司工人的承诺书中写道,他们将绝不领导、组织、参与怠工、停工、罢工。佛山是广州以西的一座城市。

    The promise note distributed to workers at Honda Automotive Components Manufacturing in Foshan , a factory town west of Guangzhou , says they absolutely will not lead , organise or participate in work slowdowns , stoppages or strikes .