
  • 网络self;ego;the id
  1. 这过程包括集合和融合和使用多维的本我。

    This process involves meeting and merging and using the multidimensional self .

  2. 而博客的传播自由与匿名性,则致使一些博客的本我膨胀,从而引发博客的道德问题。

    Free communication and anonymity of Blog lead to self expansion which sequentially results in ethic problems .

  3. 我找出了一本我的旧笔记本。

    I hunted out one of my old notes .

  4. 每年夏天,我都怀着最好的打算:去读一本古书,一本我年轻而雄心勃勃时就应该读的经典之作。

    I start every summer with the best of intentions : to attack one big book from the past , a classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious .

  5. 有一次我在电视上看了一些关于烹饪的节目,我觉得我也能做到,于是去书店找了一本我能找到的最大的烹饪书。

    Once I was watching something about cooking on TV and I thought I could do this , so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggest cookbook I could find .

  6. 我之前已经写了两本我的第一本书是“MyPointAndIDoHaveOne”

    And I already have two.The first book I wrote was My Point And I Do Have One

  7. 我现在下载本我的手机在使用我的USB连接线。

    Now I download this to my handset using my USB cable .

  8. 非洲荒原深处的库尔兹是马洛内心隐藏而疯狂的本我(id);

    Kurtz in the depth of the African wilderness can be seen as the " id " of marlow , the hidden man marlow ;

  9. 本我公司提倡推陈出新,可根据客户提供的设计,专门订做,可承接OEM生产。

    Our company advocates innovation , that we can product according to the special design offer by customers and do OEM business as well .

  10. 三重人格包括本我、自我和超我。

    There are id , ego and superego in this personality .

  11. 本我、自我与超我&《黑暗的心脏》之解读

    Id , Ego and Superego & Interpretation of Heart of Darkness

  12. 嗯我叫本我替朱尔斯工作

    Yeah , I 'm Ben . I work for Jules .

  13. 希望你的“本我”能得到他想要的

    and hope that the actual you gets what he needs .

  14. 我会给你一本我写的书

    I 'll let you have a copy of my book .

  15. 弗洛伊德认为,本我是与生俱来的。

    The id , according to Freud , is present at birth .

  16. 非理性比较接近本我,是对理性的反动。

    Non-rationality is closer to id , and a counter-reaction to rationality .

  17. 现在这个板块是我真神,也即本我。

    Now this section is my God , that is the me .

  18. 本我包括各种原始欲望、本能。

    The id consists of various primitive desires and instincts .

  19. 我也挑了几本我最喜欢看的书。

    I also picked a few of my favorite read this book .

  20. 影像符号内部存在某种“窥视”结构,诱导本我的释放。

    The image signal suggests somewhat release of scopophilia and id.

  21. 在你们的座位底下,你们会发现两本我最喜欢的书。

    Underneath your seats you 'll find two of my favorite books .

  22. 对不起。有一本我要的书你们卖完了。

    Please reserve me a copy and call me when it arrives .

  23. 告诉阪本我回来了,我们得谈谈。

    Tell Sakamoto I 'm back , and we need to talk .

  24. 她推荐了几本我可以买的书。

    She suggested a few books which I might buy .

  25. 嘿本我想问个事儿

    Hey , Ben , I got something I wanted to ask .

  26. 从历史理性、人文精神到本我精神

    From Historical Rationality and Humanistic Spirit to Id Spirit

  27. 这是一本我喜欢读的书。

    This is a book which I enjoy reading .

  28. 我正在读一本我室友从图书馆借来的书。

    I am reading a book that my room-mate borrowed from the library .

  29. 对那本我没读

    Yeah , I didn 't read that one .

  30. 这两本书都很枯燥,两本我都不喜欢。

    The two books are both dull . I like neither of them .