
  • 网络instinct theory
  1. 三性本能理论,性是一种本能。

    Three sexual instinct theory , sex is an instinct .

  2. 本能理论及死亡本能;

    Instinct theory and death instinct ;

  3. 运动攻击性行为的假设模式包括本能理论、驱力理论、社会学习理论等。

    Movement model assumptions include sexual assault instinct theory , the theory-edge , social learning theory .

  4. 语言的天赋性与模块性&S.Pinker的语言本能理论述评

    The Innateness and Modularity in Human Language G Language Review of Pinker ′ s The Language Instinct

  5. 剧本这一人文关怀的深层意蕴来自对弗洛伊德本能理论、叔本华和尼采唯意志主义的认同和改造。

    This implication of humanistic concern comes from O'Neill 's acceptance and reform of Freud 's theory of Unconsciousness and Voluntarism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche .

  6. 马尔库塞出于对现代社会中人的异化根源的探求,从弗洛伊德的本能理论出发提出了爱欲解放论,并设想了一种以爱欲解放论为主要内涵的非压抑文明方式。

    Starting from a trace back to the cause of alienation of modern man , Marcuse brought up " erotic liberation " based on Freud 's theory on instinct and proposed a non-repressive civilization with this liberation as the core .

  7. 为探讨月亮神话中的女性本能提供理论证据和性别平台。

    In order to discuss in the moon myth the feminine instinct to provide the theory evidence and the sexual platform .

  8. 性本能需求、潜意识理论与精细加工可能性理论,揭示了性元素在广告中较强大的作用,但同时也暴露出其中存在的两对矛盾:商品与道德的失衡,性信息与产品信息的失衡。

    The sexual instinct demand , subconscious theory and Elaboration Likelihood Model all reveal the sexual elements in advertising more powerful role , but also exposed to the existing two contradiction : the imbalances of goods and moral , sexual information and product information imbalances .