
yǒu xiàn hé huǒ ɡōnɡ sī
  • limited partnership
  1. 自那以来,这家有限合伙公司的股价涨了41%。

    Since then , shares of that limited partnership have increased 41 % .

  2. 依照德国的公司立法,德国公司的组织形式主要有普通合伙公司、有限合伙公司、有限责任公司、股份有限公司及国有股份公司。

    According to the lawmaking of Germany company , the organizing forms of Germany company are general partnership company , limited partnership company , limited liability company , limited stock company and national stock company .

  3. 切尔西码头有限合伙公司(ChelseaPiersLP)总裁兼联合创始人汤姆•伯恩斯坦及和妻子安德莉亚。

    President and co-founder of Chelsea piers LP Tom Bernstein and wife Andrea .

  4. 以往,大多数风险资本公司是小型私人有限合伙制公司,利用富人或公司提供资本

    " Traditionally , most venture capital firms consisted of small , private limited partnerships utilizing capital furnished by wealthy individuals or corporations "

  5. 从根本上看,私募基金的法律性质可以看成是一种类似于信托的法律关系,在实务界,私募基金多以信托、有限合伙、公司制等形式来运作。

    From the fundamental point of view , the legal nature of private funds can be viewed as a legal relationship similar to trust . In practice , many private funds are organized in trust , limited partnership , corporate or other forms of operation .

  6. 由于有限责任合伙包含着公司与合伙的特点,融合了两者的长处,使得有限责任合伙迅速风靡美国,几乎美国所有的州都先后颁布了有限责任合伙法。

    Because LLP has merged the characteristic of the company and the partnership , it becomes very popular in U.S.A. Almost all U.S.A.

  7. 文章首先阐明有限责任合伙的概念、适用对象,然后,将有限责任合伙与普通合伙、有限合伙、公司及有限责任公司进行比较分析。

    Section three compares it with general partnership , limited partnership , corporation and limited liability company . Section four is about legal status of LLP in different countries .