
  • 网络effective control rights
  1. 但是,何鸿的一名律师后来称,上述股份转移形同“抢劫”,称部分家人在“未经他同意和知情的情况下”,抢到了赌场王国的有效控制权。

    But a lawyer for Mr Ho subsequently said the transfer was " robbery " , saying family members had seized effective control of the casino Empire " without his consent and knowledge " .

  2. 如何合理配置上市公司控制权并有效促使控制权转移是提高公司绩效,保护投资者利益的关键问题。

    It is the key problem to improve firm performance and protect investors ' benefits that how to allocate reasonably listed companies ' control and impel effectively control transference .

  3. 因此,在法定的框架内,如何既能使中央行使有效的控制权,又能使地方在享有一定自主权的条件下充分发挥它们的积极性,是中央与地方关系的永恒主题。

    Therefore , in the statutory framework , assuring the central government get effective control and enabling local governments to get a certain autonomy and enthusiasm , are the eternal theme of the study on relationship between central and local authorities .

  4. 只有在产权明晰的情况下,才能更好的安排生产活动,有效的控制排污权交易。

    We could better arrange the productive works and effectively control the waste discharge only in the case of requirement of property rights .

  5. 有效的公司控制权有助于提高公司运行质量,提高资源配置效率,提升资本利用效益。

    The efficient corporate control does well to upgrading the quality for corporate operation , increasing the efficiency for the resources allocation , promoting the value for the capital .

  6. 经过大量的理论探索与法治实践,公众参与已经成为了域外很多国家有效控制行政立法权滥用、弥补其合法性欠缺的重要手段。

    Through lots of theoretical explorations and practices , the public participation has become the important mean of controlling the administrative legislative power effectively and making up for lack of legitimacy .

  7. 信息披露的市场反应与市场有效性&从控制权转移的视角

    Market reaction to information announcement and market efficiency & in view of controller transfer

  8. 其中公司治理主要包括股权结构、董事会有效性和高管控制权,而外部监管主要包括政府干涉、法制环境和外部审计师意见。

    Cooperate governance mainly includes shareholding structure , effectiveness of director board and executive control . External supervision mainly includes government interference , legal atmosphere and external audit .

  9. 为了降低信息不对称程度以及有效防范道德风险,风险投资家在投资风险企业的过程中通常采用可转换优先股作为投资工具、分阶段对企业进行投资、合理有效的分配控制权来安排契约。

    To reduce the degree of asymmetric information and keep moral hazard away , venture capitalists usually adopt convertible preferred stock as an investment tool , staged financing as a method of investing capital and allocating of control rights efficiently to arrange contract in the process of investment .