
yǒu xínɡ chán pǐn
  • tangible products
  1. 不仅包括物质产品,也包括精神产品;不仅包括有形产品,也包括无形产品。

    And Includes not only material products , mental products , but also tangible products , intangible products .

  2. 对于制造商而言,客户服务是对有形产品的一种延伸,服务成分的增加使核心产品的价格得到了提高。

    To manufacturers , customer service is an extension of tangible products ; the increase of service content increases the prices of core products .

  3. 在英国,传统上有形产品的进口一直大于出口。

    In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports .

  4. 有形产品创新中的A-U模型已成为描述制造业技术创新演变规律的一般模型,而对服务业的创新演变规律学者们至今没有形成统一的认识,也不存在一个获得普遍认可的理论模型。

    " A-U " model has become a dominant model to describe the nature of technology innovation , while researchers have not come to agreement on the nature of service innovation .

  5. 硬件通常是有形产品,其量具有计数的特性。

    Hardware is generally tangible and its amount is a countable characteristic .

  6. 中国年轻人更爱把钱花在体验和生活方式方面,而不是购买彰显地位的有形产品;

    More young Chinese choose experience and lifestyle expenditure over tangible status goods ;

  7. 精神劳动所创造的精神产品,既有有形产品,又有无形产品。

    Intellectual labor can create mental products . Mental products can be visible and invisible .

  8. 最后一个挑战是,无形资产(甚至有形产品)很容易被仿制。

    A final challenge is the ease with which intangible and even physical products can be pirated .

  9. 产品这个概念包括有形产品、无形劳务和其他一系列媒介物(如信息)等能满足消费需求、欲望的东西。

    The term product covers physical goods , services , and a variety of other vehicles that can be wanted .

  10. 商品价格是指各类有形产品和无形资产的价格。

    The term " price of merchandise " refers to the prices of all kinds of tangible and non-tangible assets .

  11. 它的产生可能与某种有形产品密切联系在一起,也可能毫无联系。(菲利普·科特勒)。

    It produces a tangible product may be closely linked , it may have no contact . ( Philip Kotler ) .

  12. 同时,作为服务业的船代业的营销策略与一般有形产品的营销策略又有很大区别。

    At the same time , ship agency as a service industry is different in marketing strategies with common products industry .

  13. 除了这些有形产品,还有更多的无形产品起着重要的影响作用。

    In addition to these having material form products , return to have more of invisible the product have importance of influence function .

  14. 随着发达经济体从制造业转向服务业,从有形产品转向无形产品,品牌在财务价值中所占比例不断上升。

    As developed economies switch from manufacturing to services and tangible to intangible products , brands make up a growing proportion of financial value .

  15. 作为一个设计师用来处理等有形产品日益可靠颜色铅笔、计算机技术往往是惊弓之鸟,心海螺沟。

    As a designer used to handling tangible products such as the ever reliable crayons , computer technology is oftentimes scary and heart palpitating .

  16. 企业以出口模式进入国际市场,有形产品的国际物流将是企业必须面对的一个重要工作环节。

    The international physical distribution is an important work that the small and medium - sized enterprises have to face when they act as exporters .

  17. 如果你现在创建一家新公司,你还会一部一部地销售有形产品吗?对此我深表怀疑。

    If you 're starting a new business today , it 's highly doubtful that you 're selling a physical product on a per unit basis .

  18. 本文在回顾了中国房地产营销的研究成果之后,认为目前中国房地产的营销是建立在有形产品营销理论的基础上。

    After looking back the research papers on real estate marketing , the paper think that theory foundation of China real estate is tangible product marketing theory .

  19. 服务的提供可涉及,例如:在顾客提供的有形产品(如维修的汽车)上所完成的活动;

    Provision of a service can involve , for example , the following : an activity performed on a customer-supplied tangible product ( e.g. automobile to be repaired );

  20. 首先,该定义明确了用来交换的不局限于有形产品(货物),而且可以也包括观念和服务。

    First , it makes it clear what is to be exchanged is not restricted to tangible products ( goods ) but can include concepts and services as well .

  21. 对于制造业,要提高其竞争能力,仅仅依靠传统有形产品的管理方式是不够的,必须加强对客户服务的管理。

    In order to improve enterprise 's market competition , it is not enough to just rely on traditional tangible product management , so we have to strengthen customer service management .

  22. 不同体育商品(包括体育有形产品和体育无形产品两种)要根据目标消费群体的消费决策心理机制的差异确定相应的和有效的诉求方式。

    Different sport products or commodities ( including sports visible product and sports immaterial product ) should determine their persuasive ways according to the psychic mechanism differences of sport goal consumer communities .

  23. 市场竞争的主要方面已由原来的有形产品、服务的竞争转向无形的文化、技术、品牌的竞争,由单个企业之间的竞争转向企业集团与企业供应链之间的竞争。

    The main respect of the market competition has already been turned to the competitions of invisible culture , the technology , brand by the competitions of original tangible products , service ;

  24. 森林为社会提供两种产品:一种是有形产品,可以在市场上交换,为经营者带来经济效益;

    The forest provides two kinds of products for the society . One is a visible product , which can be changed on the market , bringing the economic profit for the owners ;

  25. 在很多行业和绝大多数的市场上,企业单纯地依靠有形产品或核心服务,实际上已经无法建立起持续竞争优势。

    In many industries and the vast majority of the market , companies simply rely on the core physical product or service , in fact , can no longer establish a sustainable competitive advantage .

  26. 西方商业银行营销是在一般商品营销基础上发展起来的,但银行产品和服务的特殊属性决定了其营销组合比有形产品更加复杂。

    Western Commercial Bank marketing developed form the general merchandise sales on the basis , but the special attributes of products and services of banking , determine its complication to the physical product of marketing mixture .

  27. 与有形产品世界中的新产品开发对应,服务业中也存在新服务开发,作为服务创新的一种重要表现形式和实现手段,在帮助服务企业获取竞争优势的过程中扮演了重要角色。

    Corresponding to New Product Development ( NPD ) in physical product-related industries , there is also New Service Development ( NSD ) in service industries . NSD is important for service firms to obtain competitive advantage .

  28. 随着市场经济的发展,品牌观念已经突破了传统的商品阈限,有形产品具有品牌,无形的服务也具有品牌,一个企业有企业品牌,一个城市也有形象品牌。

    With the development of market-oriented economy , the concept of brand has already broken through the traditional " goods " threshold . Tangible product has its brand . So are intangible service , enterprises and cities .

  29. 近年来,满意度的定量测评在企业有形产品中的应用越来越多,但是在旅游企业的无形产品&旅游服务中的应用还是很少。

    At present , more and more measures for satisfaction is applied to the tangible product of the corporation , but the measures applies to the intangible products of the tourist industry-tourist service is rather a little .

  30. 发展路径逐步由经济领域拓展到社会领域,由有形产品拓展到无形产品,由国内市场拓展到国际市场,由封闭走向开放。

    Development path by economic field expands gradually to the society , by the tangible products field expanding into intangible products , the domestic market expansion into the international market , from the close to the open .