
yǒu jiǎng xiāo shòu
  • prize-giving sales;sell goods with prize
有奖销售[yǒu jiǎng xiāo shòu]
  1. 一种有奖销售中的概率模型及其应用

    The Probabilistic Model and Its Applications of A Selling Method with Prize

  2. 第三部分是对有奖销售行为的应然性研究。

    Chapter three is to show the purpose of researching premium sale .

  3. 不正当有奖销售的现状、产生原因与危害

    Unfair Sale with Prizes : Its Present Situation , Reasons and Harmfulness

  4. 附赠式有奖销售的法律分析

    Analysis on Legal Issue of the Premium Sales

  5. 抽奖式有奖销售运用适当,可以起到活跃市场,促进竞争的积极作用;

    Using prize sale in a proper way can active the market and promote the competition .

  6. 浅谈不正当有奖销售行为

    Improper Prize Sale Behaviour

  7. 附赠式有奖销售与低于成本价格销售的规定有不协调之处,应给予界定;

    Regulation of prize sale with gift does not accord with regulation of sale behavior under cost price ;

  8. 抽奖式的有奖销售,最高奖的金额不得超过5000元。

    The maximum amount of the prize of any sale with prizes attached shall not exceed RMB5,000 Yuan .

  9. 对有奖销售所附赠品的责任问题也应依其性质具体分析,从而得出相应的解决方法。

    The thesis analyzes the problems concerning legal responsibilities of the gift and provides the corresponding means of resolution .

  10. 作为有奖销售行为的一种,其在理论上和制度上都需要进一步的探讨和完善。

    As one kind of premium sales , it both in theory and system needs to be further explored and improved .

  11. 附赠式有奖销售的法律性质在不同情况下应具体分析为两种法律性质&买卖合同与混合合同(含赠与的买卖合同)。

    In different conditions , the legal characters of the premium sales should be classified into two characters & business contract and mixed contract .

  12. 再论附赠式有奖销售中的若干法律问题正确分担附赠商品致人损害的举证责任。

    A New Comment on Problems Related to Premium Purchase with An Additional Gift correctly sharing the providing evidence responsibility of the additional donated commodity created harms .

  13. 终于睡着后,我做了那个同样不堪回味的恶梦,在梦里,一头旱獭想领走我在某次有奖销售中的奖品。

    When I finally did fall asleep , I had that same hideous nightmare in which a woodchuck is trying to claim my prize at a raffle .

  14. 采取允许加限制原则来处理附赠式有奖销售行为对消费者和经营者更为公平。

    It is more equitable to use by the principle of permitted to handle the action of premium sales with an addition gift between consumers and managers .

  15. 但这一从利益诱惑的角度来认识商业贿赂的观点并不正确,混淆了一般商业促销、有奖销售与商业贿赂之间的界限。

    The idea that understands commercial bribery from the angle of benefit seduction is not correct , because it confuses sales promotion , lottery sales and commercial bribery .

  16. 作为市场经济初级阶段特有的现象,附赠式有奖销售具有其存在的必然性,但随着我国市场经济的发展和逐步成熟,仍然有许多问题需要解决。

    Coming up as temporary phenomenon along with the market economy at the primary stage , there is necessity for the existing of rewarding sales with additional items . However many problems need to be solved with the development of home market economy which is gradually maturing .

  17. 附赠式有奖销售行为是指经营者在销售商品或提供服务的同时以附带的方式奖励所有购买者的行为,包括购买者提供一定数量的物品、金钱或其它经济利益的行为。

    The action of premium sale with an addition gift is the selling of goods or services at the same time a way to reward with the action of all consumers , including the purchase of goods to provide a certain amount of money or other economic interests .