
  • 网络efficient supply chain
  1. 强调成本的有效性供应链和强调时间反应速度的反应性供应链是两种完全不同的供应链战略。

    There are two types of supply chain strategies that are completely different : one emphasizes the effectiveness of cost and the other emphasizes response speed in form of time .

  2. 供应链后勤系统的性能对供应链总体活动的有效性以及供应链中各成员的行为都将产生重大影响。

    Performance of supply chain logistics system has a significant impact on the effectiveness of its holistic activity and the behavior of its business entities .

  3. 并且该契约的有效性取决于供应链(供应商)和零售商风险规避度之间的差异。

    And the effectiveness of the contract depends on the difference in the degrees of risk aversions between the supply chain ( supplier ) and the retailer .