
  • 网络Cash flow cycle;Cash to Cash Cycle
  1. 去年第四季度的现金流量周期也趋于恶化。现金流量周期衡量的是企业向供应商进行支付后,在收到客户付款之前,需要自身财务支持的时间长短。

    Similarly , the cash-to-cash cycle which measures how long companies need to finance themselves as they wait for payment from customers after paying suppliers deteriorated in the fourth quarter .

  2. 现金流量具有生命周期型、共生性、非均衡性、不易操纵等特性。

    Cash flow has many characteristics such as life cycle type , symbiotic , non-balanced , difficult to manipulation and so on .

  3. 企业价值评估中的现金流量与企业寿命周期探析

    Research on Cash Flow and Life Cycle of the Enterprise in Business Valuation