
  • 网络external supply chain
  1. 通常,制造商将利用生产计划系统(productionplanningsystem,PPS)来协调其内部生产与外部供应链。

    Usually , the manufacturer will utilize a production planning system ( PPS ) to coordinate internal production and its external supply chain .

  2. 通过对H医药公司集中采购相关流程的再造,为实现H医药公司内部供应链的有效整合和外部供应链的向上整合,集成全流域订单,形成集成供应链下的集中采购奠定了基础。

    Through the purchasing centralization BPR of H pharmaceutical enterprise , internal supply chain to achieve the effective integration and upward integration of external supply chain , integrated basin-wide order , the formation of integrated supply chain under centralized procurement basis .

  3. 第二部分从理论上分析了ERP在企业内部供应链管理、外部供应链管理及系统管理效应的三大功能。

    The second part analyzes theoretically the ERP 's functions in the management of internal and external supply chains , and in the efficiency of system management .

  4. 基于此,本文从单一企业、内部供应链营销/运营界面间和外部供应链节点企业间三个层次对MTO供应链承诺交货期问题展开研究。

    Therefore , this dissertation studies this issue from three levels , the single enterprise , the marketing / operation interface in internal supply chain and each enterprise in external supply chain .

  5. 一般可以分为内部供应链和外部供应链。

    Supply chains can be categorized into internal and external supply chains according to their scope .

  6. 不谈企业外部供应链上信息系统不完全相同,就是企业内部选用的系统和数据库也各有差异。

    Not only is enterprise exterior supply chain system quite different , but also the database and enterprise interior system .

  7. 精益机构所形成的供应链,分内部和外部供应链。

    The supply chain by which the lean structure links to the outside could be divided into inner supply chain and outer supply chain .

  8. 本文讨论了外部供应链的建模和管理问题,以及信息技术和供应链管理之间的关系,综述了目前研究工作的进展情况。

    This review focuses on the researches related to the modeling and management technology of external supply chains . The information technology and supply chain management are also pointed out .

  9. 由此,唯有将内、外部供应链环境的各项关键因素结合起来共同影响采购成本的控制与优化,才能得到最优的采购绩效。

    As a result , only the internal and external supply chain environment factors combine to participate in procurement cost control and optimization , in order to optimize procurement performance .

  10. 分析了供应链管理界面集成原理,借助于管理界面和信息界面的交互分析,将企业外部供应链集成归纳为三种模式。

    Recur to interaction between the management interface and the information interface , we analyze management interface integration principle of supply chain and conclude three patterns from enterprise exterior supply chain .

  11. 同时企业还会通过供应链将财务风险传导至上下游相关企业,产生财务风险在外部供应链上的传导。

    At the same time , enterprise conducts its financial risk to related upstream and downstream enterprises through the supply chain , resulting in financial risk conduction through the supply chain .

  12. 供应链管理对于提升企业的核心竞争力有着重要作用,供应链包含内部供应链和外部供应链,本文以内部供应链管理为研究重点。

    Supply chain management have an important role for enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises . Supply chain includes internal and external supply chain . this paper is focus on researching internal supply chain management .

  13. 通过运用战略采购方法和精益生产理念,建立了轿车变速器事业部精益外部供应链和内部供应链,并针对供应链建设过程中存在的问题提出了相应对策。

    With the strategic purchase method and lean production theory , set up the lean external and inner supply chain of the division , indicate the weakness of this supply chain and put forward the solution method .

  14. 内部供应链与外部供应链的整合是一个动态的过程,具体的整合过程是在内部供应链与外部供应链相互影响和作用下完成的。

    The integration of internal supply chain and external supply chain is a dynamic process , and the process of specific integration is completed under the mutual impact and function of internal supply chain and external supply chain .

  15. 电子交易引发了贯穿企业其他部分的连锁反应:定价系统,库存,物流,信贷,分销直至外部的供应链。

    E-commerce triggers a chain reaction throughout the rest of the enterprise : across pricing systems , inventory , logistics , credit , and distribution and on out to the supply chain .

  16. 供应链绩效评价方面,则参考大量的应用模型和评价体系从内部、外部和供应链整体进行了设计;

    Then , the performance measuring system of internal , external , and integrity of supply chain was designed , on reference of large numbers of application models and measuring systems of previous studies .

  17. 通过对生产经营过程的信息流,物料流及决策流进行有效的控制和协调,将企业内部和外部的供应链有机地集成起来进行管理,达到全局动态最优目标。

    Effective control and coordination of the flow of information on the process of production and operation , the material flow and decision ‐ making flow , the organically integrate internal and external supply chain management , global dynamic optimal target .

  18. 最后从能达公司实施物流管理的效果出发,讨论企业物流管理的业绩报告作用、种类和内容,以及企业物流管理的内部绩效、外部绩效和供应链绩效的评价内容和方法。

    Last , the article discusses some evaluation contents and methods of the interior , exterior and SCM performance of the corporation .

  19. 本文回顾了供应链金融的相关理论,总结了供应链金融服务的外部环境和供应链金融服务的框架,并重点介绍了存货质押融资服务。

    This paper reviews the theory of supply chain finance , summarizes the external environment of the supply chain financial services and supply chain financial services framework . This paper highlights the inventory financing services .

  20. 而作为一种非常重要的外部资源,供应链的作用越来越具有战略意义,企业间的竞争已越来越呈现为供应链之间的竞争。

    And as a very important external resources , the function of supply chain means more strategic significance . And at the same time , the competition among enterprises has increasingly presented as competition between supply chains .

  21. 企业外部网实现对供应链的管理;

    The external network will realize the management of suppliers chain .

  22. 物流战略已从内部一体化向外部一体化转变,供应链管理已成为竞争战略中非常重要的组成部分。

    Logistics strategy has changed from internal integration to external integration . Supply chain management has become one of the most important elements in competitive strategy .

  23. 软件企业内部的管理普遍比较粗放,成本不可控,内部没有清晰的价值链,外部没有相应的供应链,这决定了中国软件企业发展比较困难。

    The software enterprise 's interior management quite is generally extensive , cost is uncontrollable , the internal value chain is not clear , exterior supply chain is not relevant , this decides the Chinese software enterprise develops quite difficultly .

  24. 随着供应链系统的规模不断扩大,多层次结构和外部环境因素使得供应链系统复杂程度越来越高,通过应用蚁群算法对供应链中系统脆性分析可寻找供应链系统脆性因子的最佳路径。

    The growing dimensions , multilevel structures and turbulence environments make a high level of complexity in supply chain system . Applying ant colony algorithm to analyzing system 's brittleness can find the optimal way to gene of the system 's brittleness .

  25. 随着外部市场环境的复杂化和企业间竞争的激烈化,广义的外部供应链管理不断被认可,并逐渐成为供应链管理的主流思想。

    With the complexity of market and the intensification of competition , integrated supply chain is being recognized and becomes the main ideology in supply chain management .