
  • 网络external profit
  1. 外部利润、同意一致性与昆山富民合作社制度创新&昆山富民合作社制度创新的制度经济学解析

    External Profit , Consensus and Institutional Innovation in the Fumin Cooperative in Kunshan , Jiangsu : An Economic Interpretation

  2. 企业要想保持快速、稳定、长足的发展,除了不断挖掘外部利润空间,更应该不断发掘内部潜力。

    If enterprise wants to have a quick , stable and long-term development , it is more important to inspire internal potential besides trying to enlarge external profit .

  3. 国内制度变迁的动机之一是追逐制度变迁的外部利润。

    One motive of domestic institutional transition is for pursuing the external profits of institutional transition .

  4. 新的制度安排相对于现有制度使部分利益集团获得的净收益较大,为追逐外部利润,产生新的制度供给。

    The new institutional arrangements make interest groups get larger net external profits in relation to the existing system , so that a new supply of institution is generated .

  5. 制度环境的变化使得原有制度安排下无法获得的外部利润不断积聚,激励着经济当事人产生新的产权需求。

    I.e. External profits will accumulate gradually with institution environment changes , which can not get from the original institution . Therewith , farmers will bring forward their impulse to obtain more right demands .

  6. 另一方面,作为对制度变迁理论的一般论述,阐明了:制度变迁的诱致因素是在以已有制度安排中无法取得的外部利润;

    Moreover , as a general introduction of theories of system changes , it is generalized that the causality of the changes is the external profit which is not available under the existing System ;

  7. 而制度变迁的诱致因素是期望获取最大的潜在利润:获取规模经济;外部性利润内部化;抵御风险;降低交易费用。

    The system changes induced factors , we hope to maximize the potential profits : access to economies of scale ; external and internal profits ; withstand risks ; reduce transaction costs .

  8. 第二部分对信息披露成因做出分析,从外部效应及利润驱动、监督部门、职业审计界职能、以及管理层的激励约束机制等方面分析了我国现阶段信息披露问题存在的原因。

    Chapter two analyzes the possible causes of the disclosure problems from four aspects : external effect 、 supervisor 、 professional audit system , and managerial mechanism .

  9. 提出提高企业利润份额需从内部挖掘利润潜力,在外部开拓新的利润源两方面入手。

    Developing both of internal and external potential is useful to increase profit share .

  10. 最后,本文还对网络产品歧视价格与单一价格进行了比较研究,企业通过价格歧视可以缓解网络外部性对企业利润造成的压力,但不会导致社会福利水平的变化。

    Finally , a price discrimination model of network goods is established , and by the comparison with no-discrimination price , the paper proves that competitors can obtain more profit and consumer surplus by the tactics of price discrimination , while the social welfare maintains unchangeable .

  11. 以企业外部利益相关者为主体构成的企业生态位是企业活动域,它是企业面临的直接外部环境。外部利润、同意一致性与农地非农化制度创新

    The latter is the direct external environment , which is the enterprise ecosystem , an integration of elements related to enterprise external benefits . External Benefits , Common Consent and Institution Innovation of Farmland Conversion