
chū mài rén qǔ huí quán
  • seller's right of recall
  1. 第二部分对现有基本理论评介后,指出所有权保留的法律性质、出卖人取回权及买受人期待权的法律性质。

    In the second part , after evaluating the existing basic theories , the author probed the legal nature of the ownership reservation , the seller 's retaking right and the buyer 's right of expectation .

  2. 该部分重点论述了买受人期待权和出卖人的取回权。

    That part focuses on the buyer look forward to the right and the seller to retrieve the right .

  3. 所有权保留中的权利结构具有特殊性且极易产生冲突,出卖人享有取回权,买受人享有期待权。对权利冲突应寻找一条合理的协调途径。

    It 's right structure is special and tend to raise conflict , so one reasonable way of co-ordination should be found .

  4. 关于取回权的效力,本文认为,出卖人的取回权及于标的物、买受人转售所得及其债权、以及添附物。

    It is believed that recall right of sellers comes down to the targets , resale of buyers their income , as well as accretion .

  5. 在所有权保留中,出卖人行使取回权是其实现价金债权的手段,同时对买受人和第三人的利益也有重大影响。

    In the retention of title , the recall right the bargainer exercises is a means to fulfill the obligatory right of money , which affects the interest of both the bargainee and the third party .

  6. 该章的第二部分分析了出卖人的取回权,关于取回权的行使对买卖合同效力的影响,本文认为出卖人行使取回权在于实现契约;

    The second section in this chapter analyzes recall right of sellers . On the influence on the validity of business contracts , this paper holds that the exertion of recall right is to realize the contracts .

  7. 具体而言,首先,出卖人不得随意行使取回权且出卖人行使取回权后买受人仍享有回赎权及其他补救性权利。

    In particular , firstly , the seller cannot excise the right of recall at will , and the vendee shall enjoy some remedies .

  8. 买受人还可以通过回赎权、再出卖请求权以及采用添附制度限制出卖人行使取回权,以保障自己之合法利益。

    The buyer can also redemption rights , then sold and the Accession System claim back the right to limit the exercise of the seller to protect the legitimate interests of their own .