
  • 网络oqc;Outgoing Quality Control;OQA;OQC Outgoing Quality Control
  1. 负责过程控制及出货检验。

    Responsible for in-process control and final check and outgoing inspection .

  2. 负责出货检验并做好相应记录及报告。

    In charge of the product out-going inspection and do the related record and report .

  3. 加强产品过程、出货检验工作,改进包装方式。

    To enforce the process of shipment & inspection , to improve the way of packing .

  4. 负责公司的产品制造过程中外观检验及最终出货产品检验测试的标准制定。

    Responsible for setting standards for visual check during production listening function testing and finished product shipping test .

  5. 出货前检验作为保证货物质量的最后一道程序,本文也在第六章提出了具体采用方法和实例。

    Pre-shipment Inspection as a final process to ensure the quality of the goods , Chapter ⅵ also proposed the specific methods and gave specific examples .

  6. 供应商如何进行出货前的检验和控制?

    What are the suppliers pre-delivery inspection & controls ?

  7. 每一个零件我们都经过严格检测,同时对每一项出货产品都附检验报告并作内部备查。

    We are all parts of each to undergo a rigorous test of a ship at the same time for each product and by-laws for the internal inspection reports for future reference .