
  • 网络Export Cartel
  1. BPC是由俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的两家最大的钾肥生产企业组成的出口卡特尔,但俄罗斯国内的价格远低于出口价格,因此,BPC属于纯粹的出口卡特尔。

    BPC is an export cartel established by Russia and Belarus two largest potash fertilizer company . But potash price in Russia is far lower than export price , so BPC belongs to pure export cartel .

  2. 中国出口卡特尔反垄断豁免制度研究

    Studies on Chinese Export Cartel Exemption from Anti-Monopoly Law

  3. 此外,加拿大钾肥出口卡特尔canpotex在亚洲和巴西提高了现货价格。

    In addition , canpotex , the Canadian potash Export Cartel , has raised spot prices in Asia and Brazil .

  4. 正是由于发达国家和发展中国家对出口卡特尔的认识差异,二者之间的矛盾也日益呈现。

    Because of different understandings of export cartel between developed and developing countries , the conflicts are increasingly arising .

  5. 中国进口钾肥定价权缺失的主要原因在于钾肥市场的出口卡特尔和钾肥寡头的默契合谋。

    The main reason of lack of pricing power in China is export cartel and tacit conspiracy in potash fertilizer market .

  6. 创设者美国虽然没有取缔,但对出口卡特尔的审批及监督日趋严格。

    Although the creator , United States , has not forbidden it , the approval and supervision of export cartel are increasingly stringent .

  7. 另一方面,出口卡特尔必然会损害国外竞争对手的利益,使其处于不公平的竞争环境之中。

    On the other hand , the export cartel is bound to harm the interests of foreign competitors , and make them in an unfair competitive environment .

  8. 虽然许多国家实行过或者正在实行出口卡特尔豁免制度,但是这一制度无论在理论上还是现实中一直饱受争议。

    Although many countries have implemented or are implementing through the export cartel exemption system , this system both in theory and reality has been plagued by controversy .

  9. 出口卡特尔是出口商之间设定价格同盟以及建立排他性出口销售渠道的横向协议。

    Export Cartel means horizontal restrictions between exporters in order to set a common industry export price , establish export quotas among members and assign exclusive trading areas overseas .

  10. 出口卡特尔是一把双刃剑,发展中国家应当理性地权衡其利弊,最大化地发挥它的作用,合理地规避它的溢出效应。

    Export cartel is a " double-edged sword ", developing countries should weigh the pros and cons rationally , play its role to maximize and avoid its spillover effects reasonably .

  11. 这一效应的存在使得国外市场与国内市场可以完全隔离的设想被打破,而这一设想正是创设出口卡特尔的一个重要理论基础。

    The existence of this effect makes the idea that foreign markets and the domestic market can be completely isolated be broken , which is an important theoretical basis of export cartel .

  12. 那么发展中国家应当如何正确对待出口卡特尔制度?具体来说,出口卡特尔对发展中国家经济的发展既有积极的促进作用,又有消极的溢出效应。

    So how should developing countries deal with export cartel system correctly ? Specifically , export cartel can both promote the economy of developing countries and have negative spillover effects on the economy .

  13. 第二章是对国际卡特尔的一个具体介绍,对国际卡特尔的界定和特点进行了详细说明,并将其与出口卡特尔进行了区分。

    The second chapter is a detailed description of international cartels , in this chapter , we give a detail description of the definition and characteristics of international cartels , we also make a distinction between international cartels and export cartels .

  14. 同时,国外学者通过研究指出,出口卡特尔的串谋行为的影响很可能延伸到国内市场,从而损害国内竞争者和消费者的利益,这就是出口卡特尔对国内市场的溢出效应。

    Meanwhile , foreign scholars researched that the conspiracy of export cartels is likely to extend to the domestic market , thus damages the interests of domestic competitors and consumers . This is the " spillover effect " of export cartels on domestic market .

  15. 出口企业作为出口卡特尔的主体,应当加强反垄断意识,理性对待出口卡特尔制度。

    Export enterprises , as the main part of export cartel , should strengthen the antitrust awareness , and rationally treat the system of export cartel .