
  1. 出租车牌照制反映出了“监管俘获”(regulatorycapture)现象,即原本旨在服务公众的监管却被行业利益所劫持。

    Taxi licensing illustrates regulatory capture , the phenomenon by which regulation intended to serve the public is hijacked by industry interests .

  2. 但在伦敦,任何通过“知识”(TheKnowledge)考试的人都可免费获发出租车牌照。这是一项很难的考试,考试内容是出租车司机必须掌握的伦敦地理知识。伦敦的出租车别具特色,外观是黑色的。

    London , however , issues licences freely to anyone who passes " The Knowledge , " the demanding test of London 's geography required of drivers of the distinctive black cabs .

  3. 法兰克福一家法庭禁止了其UberPop“拼车”服务——该服务通过一款智能手机应用,为没有出租车牌照的车主招揽乘客。

    This time it is in Germany , where a Frankfurt court has banned its Uber Pop " ride-sharing " service that introduces passengers to unlicensed drivers through a smartphone app .

  4. 如果负责颁发出租车牌照的伦敦运输局(TfL)明确规定,新加入的出租车必须遵循伦敦统一的设计,那么这种情况原本是可以避免的。

    This could have been avoided if Transport for London , which licenses taxis , had insisted on a recognisably London design for new entrants .

  5. 最终是爱尔兰法院出面,宣布限制出租车牌照数量是违法的。

    It was left to the Irish courts to declare the restrictions on numbers unlawful .

  6. 在纽约,如今一块出租车牌照的价值已超过100万美元。

    In New York , the value of a taxi medallion now exceeds $ 1m .

  7. 随后不到两年,都柏林的出租车牌照数量就增加了两倍多。

    Within two years , the number of cab licences in Dublin had increased more than threefold .

  8. 他解释说,他的同事的退休金,部分来自转售自己的出租车牌照所得。

    He explained that his colleagues rely on the onward sale of taxi licences to fund their pensions .

  9. 为此,在提高现行法律层级的基础上,我国必须重构现行的数量控制模式,并真正赋予公民个人以申领出租车牌照的权利。

    Thus , besides improving current law hierarchy , we should reconstruct the present mode of quantity control and give every individual citizen the right to apply for taxi license .

  10. 然而,这项服务将由广州4家拥有出租车牌照的出租车公司提供,在优步被关闭之前,这些出租车公司面临来自优步的竞争。

    However , the journeys will be provided by the four taxi companies with licences to operate in Guangzhou , which had faced competition from Uber before it was shut .

  11. 他希望能拿到出租车牌照,以便补贴每个月104美元的离职补偿。他说补偿金还不够过日子用的,更别说还给妻子看病欠下的6000美元医药费了。

    He hopes to secure a taxi license to augment his severance of $ 104 a month , which he says is not enough to get by on , much less pay back the $ 6000 he borrowed for his wife 's medical bills .

  12. 想想纽约出租车牌照制度:在没有牌照的情况下你不能开出租车,出租车牌照不时成为数百万美元的资产,往往归投资者所有,由其以每天100美元或更高的价格把牌照租给司机。

    Consider the New York taxi medallion system : you can 't drive a taxicab without one , and they 've been million-dollar assets at times , often owned by investors and leased to drivers at a rate of $ 100 or more a day .

  13. 出租车牌照成为稀缺资产,纯粹是由监管者的一纸文书造成的。在这种情况下,即使不是狂热的自由主义者,你也能看出监管者的动机是保护这些资产的价值。

    Taxi medallions are a scarce asset created purely by a stroke of the regulator 's pen , and you don 't need to be a hardcore libertarian to conclude that , in this case , the regulator is motivated by protecting the value of this asset .

  14. 专车服务在中国是非法的,尤其是地方政府打击滴滴和美国打车应用优步(Uber)蚕食有利可图的出租车专营牌照制度的行为,对这些公司的司机进行处罚。

    Private taxis are illegal in China and local governments in particular have fought against the encroachment by Didi and Uber , the US ride-hailing app , on lucrative licensed taxi monopolies by fining the companies " drivers .

  15. 我认识一位年轻的毕业生,她近期找到了一份工作:在伦敦最南部给出租车发牌照。

    I know a young graduate who has just been hired to hand out licences to taxi cabs in deepest south London .

  16. 纽约的出租车司机大多租用牌照,而不持有牌照。

    most New York cabbies rent rather than own licences .

  17. 人们对投资者或许就没这么多同情心了;纽约的出租车司机大多租用牌照,而不持有牌照。

    One might have less sympathy for investors ; most New York cabbies rent rather than own licences .

  18. 在比亚迪之前,日产(Nissan)和Frazer-Nash集团旗下的Metrocab也计划向伦敦出售出租车,而梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)旗下的威霆(Vito)乘用车已经获得出租车牌照、成为了伦敦街头的常见面孔。

    BYD follows Nissan and Metrocab - part of the Frazer-Nash group - which plan to sell taxis in London , and Mercedes-Benz , whose Vito people carriers are already ploughing through the capital as licensed taxis .

  19. 最近在法国搭出租车时,司机问我:“伦敦的出租车司机退休时会怎么做?”他解释说,他的同事的退休金,部分来自转售自己的出租车牌照所得。

    My local French driver asked recently : " What do London cabbies do when they retire ? " He explained that his colleagues rely on the onward sale of taxi licences to fund their pensions .