
  • 网络Battery electric vehicle;Bev;pev
  1. 为了充分利用再生制动的功能,分析了纯电动汽车再生制动的工作原理,研究了能量回收的控制策略,利用Matlab仿真验证了理论研究的正确性。

    Moreover , in order to make the regenerative braking more effective , the principle of regenerative braking for PEV is analyzed , the control strategy for energy recycling is studied and simulated in Matlab . 3 .

  2. 以城市公交中巴客车作为纯电动汽车的改装对象,简要介绍了纯电动试验样车的基本结构、完成了控制系统配套所需电气控制线路的设计。

    Based on the design scheme to reassemble a city transit bus to a test PEV , the structure of PEV is briefly introduced , and the electric circuit of control system is implemented .

  3. 与纯电动汽车不同,混合动力车永远不需要接电源。

    Hybrids , unlike pure electric cars , never need to be plugged in .

  4. 这个词主要用在电动汽车领域,“里程焦虑”也被认为是纯电动汽车被广泛接受面临的主要障碍之一。

    The term , which is primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles ( BEVs ) , is considered to be one of the major barriers to large scale adoption3 of all-electric cars .

  5. 基于DSP和CAN总线的纯电动汽车控制系统

    Intelligent Control System of Electrical Vehicle Based on DSP and CAN Bus

  6. 完成了基于模糊PID算法的纯电动汽车驱动控制器的设计。

    The drive controller based on fuzzy PID algorithm was designed . 4 .

  7. 计划很简单&把纯电动汽车特斯拉(Tesla)ModelS从洛杉矶开到旧金山。

    The plan to drive the all-electric Tesla Model s from Los Angeles to San Francisco was simple .

  8. 因此,纯电动汽车还需载有装备ABS的传统液压制动系统。

    Therefore , the pure electric vehicles need a hydraulic braking system equipped with ABS .

  9. 基于ADVISOR软件的纯电动汽车仿真

    Simulation of the Battery Electric Vehicle Based on ADVISOR Software

  10. 特斯拉去年卖出了50580辆汽车,其中大多数为四座型的ModelS,这一成绩超过了尼桑的Leaf,成为世界上最畅销的纯电动汽车。

    Tesla delivered 50580 vehicles last year . Most of those were its Model S saloon , which overtook Nissan 's Leaf to become the world 's best selling pure-electric vehicle .

  11. 基于ADVISOR纯电动汽车电动空调模块开发及仿真分析

    Development of EV Electric Air Conditioning Module and Performance Simulation Based on ADVISOR

  12. 以同样的方法计算,日产(Nissan)的纯电动汽车Leaf每加仑汽油能跑无限远的距离,该款汽车也将于2010年末推出。

    Using the same calculus , the all-electric Nissan Leaf , also set to be introduced in late 2010 , does infinite miles per gallon .

  13. 随着世界石油资源逐渐紧缺,纯电动汽车(BladeElectricVehicles,简称BEV)技术开始越来越得到了人们的青睐。

    With the shortage of petroleum resources gradually , the blade electric vehicles ( BEV ) technology has begun to get more and more favour from people .

  14. 但中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)的数据显示,2012年中国消费者仅购买了11375辆纯电动汽车和1416辆插电式混合动力汽车,尽管每辆车政府最高给予2万美元的补贴。

    But last year , Chinese consumers bought only 11375 electric cars and 1416 plug ins , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers . That 's despite subsidies that go as high as $ 20000 per car .

  15. 为了深入理解纯电动汽车的动力总成及其换档机制,对自动变速系统的组成结构及其各个关键部件的作用进行了详细地论述,并进一步阐述了AMT的控制过程。

    To understand the powertrain and shift mechanism for pure electric vehicles , the key components of automatic transmission system are discussed in detail .

  16. 混合动力电动汽车(hybridelectricvehicle,简称HEV)是一种既能满足排放和燃油经济性要求,又能兼备纯电动汽车与燃油汽车优点的理想车型。

    The Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) is a kind of perfect vehicle that not only can satisfy the request of exhaust and fuel economy , but also has the advantages of electric vehicle and fuel automobile .

  17. 根据中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)发布的数据,今年上半年,中国的电动汽车销量超过2.04万辆,超过了2013年全年纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的总销量。

    More than 20400 electric vehicles were sold in the first half of this year , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers ( CAAM ) , exceeding the number of pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids sold in all of 2013 .

  18. ADVISOR软件能够快速分析传统汽车、纯电动汽车和混合动力汽车的动力性、燃油经济性以及排放性等各种性能。

    The software ADVISOR can be used for rapid analysis of the performance of conventional , electric and hybrid vehicles , such as dynamics , feul economies , emission behavior , etc.

  19. 并以ADVISOR软件为基础,构建了纯电动汽车仿真研究平台,对道路工况、整车的加速性能和爬坡性能以及初步的制动能量回馈做了仿真研究。

    Based on the ADVISOR software , a simulation platform for EV was designed , which processes the relative simulations on the road case , accelerating ability and the feedback of braking energy .

  20. 一方面,Volt从技术上来说是一款增程电动汽车,在行驶约40英里后使用一个汽油引擎发电机,与纯电动汽车相比,这款汽车将更为实用。

    On one hand , the Volt , technically an extended-range electric vehicle that uses a petrol charger after about 40 miles , will be more practical than all-electric competitors .

  21. 福特计划明年在中国销售其首款混合动力车。由中资所有的沃尔沃(Volvo)也表示2019年将在中国推出首款纯电动汽车。

    The carmaker planned to market its first hybrid vehicle in China next year , while Chinese-owned Volvo said it would introduce its first 100-per cent electric car in China in 2019 .

  22. 而作为纯电动汽车的动力之源,其电机及其控制器是整个BEV的重要组成部分。

    As the power source of Blade Electric Vehicles , the motor and its controller is the main component of the entire BEV .

  23. 通常来说,对于先进技术/合规汽车项目――比如说本田(Honda)的飞度电动车――制造商会以尽可能低的成本将现有车型改为纯电动汽车或插电式电动汽车。

    Typically with advanced technology / compliance car projects oh , the Honda Fit EV , for example the manufacturer will convert an existing vehicle into an EV or plug-in EV , as cost effectively as possible .

  24. 通用制造的纯电动汽车ChevyBolt将会有几乎同样的续航里程和价格,同时大众市场汽车制造商大众承诺,到2025年其四分之一销量将是电动汽车。

    The Chevy Bolt , an all-electric car from General Motors , will have roughly the same range and price , while mass-market manufacturer VW has pledged that a quarter of its sales will be electric cars by 2025 .

  25. 混合动力汽车(HEV)是一种既具有传统内燃机汽车优良的动力性又有纯电动汽车低排放、高效率的新型汽车,是当前最具有可行性的低排放、低油耗特点的新一代清洁汽车。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) is a new style vehicle , which combines the excellent performance of conventional vehicle with low emission and high efficiency of Electric Vehicle . HEV is the most feasible clean vehicle in the near future .

  26. 电动汽车(EV)是实现汽车能源多元化与零排放节能环保汽车的理想选择,但由于车用动力电池性能发展水平的制约,纯电动汽车的发展与应用受到了有识之士的质疑。

    Electric vehicle ( EV ) can realize the localization of energy source and it is the ultimate choice of zero-discharge , energy-saving , and environment-friendly automobile . However , the behavior of the power cell restricts the application and development of electric vehicle .

  27. 建立了纯电动汽车各动力系统部件的数学模型,基于Advisor车辆仿真软件系统,对电动汽车在典型的道路环境(驾驶工况)下的动力性能进行了仿真。

    The mathematic models of the power parts of the pure electric vehicle were built up . Based on the automobile simulation software Advisor , the simulation of the pure electric vehicle was carried out under the typical road environment ( driving cycles ) .

  28. 最后在ADVISOR软件中对配有所设计的电机、减速器以及选用的电池、轮胎等的纯电动汽车进行整车性能仿真分析和40km/h等速情况下的续驶里程仿真。

    Finally , the performance of the electric car with the design motor , reducer , an optional battery and tires was simulated and analysed by the software of ADVISOR . And the driving range of40km / h constant speed case was simulated too .

  29. 着重讨论电池组均衡控制、荷电状态(SOC)估计方法和电磁兼容性设计等三个关键问题,并指出纯电动汽车和混合电动汽车电池管理系统设计的差异。

    Emphasizes the three key technologies of BMS : battery equalization , estimating the State of Charge ( SOC ) and control methods for Electromagnetic Interfere ( EMI ) noises . Point out the difference between electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle in the design of battery management system .

  30. 从理论上分析计算出满足ECE制动法规的纯电动汽车制动力分配系数变化范围,并计算了电机峰值转矩与电池充电功率对再生制动的限制,为制定再生制动控制策略提供理论依据。

    The braking force distribution coefficient which satisfy the ECE braking rule is worked out , The limitations of motor maximum torque and battery charging power which provide theoretical basis for the institution of regenerative braking control strategy is calculated .