
  • 网络pure strategy;pure strategic
  1. 此文考虑单时段情形因而所建立的模型适合于实时市场,研究的对象是在纯策略意义下的Nash均衡点。

    The focus of the study is the Nash equilibrium in pure strategy sense .

  2. 输电网投资规划的Nash均衡分析(一)&纯策略Nash均衡的分析


  3. 基于损益值信息对称缺损的n人静态博弈的灰势-纯策略纳什均衡分析

    Matrix Game of Grey situation-Pure-tactical Nash equilibrium in symmetrical loss information of Game-equilibrium in n-people

  4. 判别静态博弈纯策略Nash均衡存在的一个充要条件

    A necessary and sufficient condition of distinguishing pure strategy Nash equilibrium existence in static games

  5. 纯策略Nash平衡的存在性

    The existence of pure strategy Nash equilibria

  6. owen还对具有非连续纯策略支付函数的最优混合策略的存在性问题作了一些讨论。

    Owen has also discussed the existence of optimal mixed strategies in which each player has a payoff function with a discontinuous pure strategies .

  7. 证明了任意纯策略集是紧度量空间和支付函数连续的n人无限非合作对策存在Nash平衡点集的本质连通区。

    We prove that for any infinite game with compact metric pure strategy spaces and continuous payoff functions , there exists at least one essential component of the set of Nash equilibrium points .

  8. 为了能够真正实现全赢,引入了基于Nash均衡、Pareto最优的微观经济学理论与方法,模糊数学与非合作纯策略二人博弈等相结合的机制。

    To implement " all-win " in deed , a combinative mechanism should be proposed , including Nash-based and Pareto optimum-based microeconomic theory and method , fuzzy mathematics and non-cooperative pure-strategy-based two-player game .

  9. 这m个Borel函数在对应Lebesgue可测集下的逆像构成这n个纯策略空间的笛卡尔乘积的一个划分,并且每n-1个纯策略空间的笛卡尔乘积都具有有限正Lebesgue测度。

    All the inverse image formed by those Borel functions under corresponding Lebesgue measurable sets generate a partition of the Cartesian product . Let Cartesian product of any n-1 spaces of pure strategies have finite positive Lebesgue measure .

  10. 由于Meta平衡是纯策略的,如果存在Pareto最优解,Meta平衡必能求解到其最优解,并且Meta平衡点的求解时间复杂度低于Nash平衡点的求解。

    Meta equilibrium is a pure strategy , if there is a Pareto optimal solution to equilibrium , Meta equilibrium will be able to solve its optimal solution , and the time complexity of solving the Meta equilibrium point is shorter than Nash equilibrium .

  11. 在本文,我们集中讨论了纯策略集是无限的,N人连续非合作对策Nash平衡的稳定性。主要包括无限对策Nash平衡点集的通有稳定性以及无限对策Nash平衡点集本质连通区的存在性。

    In this thesis , we focus on discussing the stability of solutions of non-cooperative games with infinitely many pure strategies , including the generic stability of solutions of infinitely many pure strategies and the existence of the essential components of the sets of Nash equilibrium points of infinite games .

  12. Lemke-Howson算法给出了相似于线性规划中的单纯形解法,经典的Lemke-Howson算法不仅可以求出纯策略纳什均衡,也能将混合策略纳什均衡找出。

    Lemke-Howson algorithm give the simplex solution , the classical Lemke-Howson algorithm may not only find the pure strategy Nash equilibrium , but also find the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium .

  13. 通过将广告投入对需求的影响引入报童(newsboy)问题,建立了不确定环境下多个企业进行广告投入和订货量博弈的模型,证明了该模型存在唯一的纯策略纳什均衡解。

    Through incorporating the effect of advertising investment on demand into the newsboy problem , the game model linking advertising investment and order policy is established among finite numbers of enterprises under uncertainty environment , the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium of which is proved .

  14. 极值问题与一类具有无限纯策略集的最优混合策略

    Max-Min Theorems and Optimal Mixed Strategies with an Infinite Pure Strategy Set

  15. 我们使用博弈论的分析方法对两家公司的销售策略进行了讨论,证明了存在纯策略的纳什均衡。

    We demonstrate the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium .

  16. 矩阵对策中纯策略可被优超的充要条件

    Sufficient and essential condition for covering the pure strategy in the matrix game

  17. 对等网副本散布问题纯策略纳什均衡研究

    The Research of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria on Replica Placement Problem in P2P Environment

  18. 博雷尔定义了游戏中的纯策略和混合策略。

    Borel had defined ' pure ' and ' mixed ' strategies in game-playing .

  19. 每个局中人的效用都是自己所选纯策略的一元函数。

    Every player 's utility is a real function of pure strategy he using .

  20. 若纯策略纳什均衡存在,该文方法可以找到该纳什均衡。

    If pure strategic Nash Equilibrium exists , this method will find this Nash Equilibrium .

  21. 纯策略是确定的规则,任何情况下的动作都是设定好的,

    Pure strategies were definite rules , setting out the proper action in any contingency ;

  22. 基于纯策略的灰矩阵博弈模型研究(Ⅰ)&标准灰矩阵博弈模型构建

    Study on grey matrix game based on pure strategy (ⅰ): building on normal grey matrix game

  23. 纯策略空间的笛卡尔乘积的不同分块中的纯局势一般具有不同的博弈结果。

    Pure situations in different blocks of the Cartesian product have different game results , generally .

  24. 结果表明考虑输电容量约束后,有可能存在不同的纯策略均衡;

    The results show that there may exist different pure strategy equilibria if transmission constraints are considered .

  25. 齐王赛马对策是矩阵对策中无纯策略意义解的典型例子。

    King Qi Bet Horse Racing game is a famous matrix game that has no pure strategy .

  26. 基于不能直接判定区间灰数大小的灰矩阵博弈的纯策略解及其风险

    Pure Strategy Solution and Venture Problem of Grey Matrix Game Based on Undeterminable Directly Interval Grey Number

  27. 只有一个判断块的局中人是哑巴或有一个优超另一个的纯策略。

    The player who has only one judgement block either is a dumb or has a dominated pure strategy .

  28. 其次,分别介绍上市公司违规行为监管的静态纯策略博弈模型、静态混合策略博弈模型和动态博弈模型;

    Then , we introduce pure strategy game model , mixed strategy game model , and dynamic game model .

  29. 最后,以商业银行贷款动态损失准备金计提为案例,对其灰势意义下的策略优超和纯策略解问题进行了研究。

    And in the end , taking commercial bank dynamic provisioning as example , the pure strategies of this problem are studied .

  30. 最后,定义了经济模型的平衡局势,并给出了求解最优纯策略的算法。

    Finally , the equilibrium condition of the economic model is defined , and the solution algorithm to the optimal strategies is given .